Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oprah pushes Kinect, audience explodes

Unfortunately, they didn't literally explode.

Will this tactic prompt soccer moms across the country to run out and pick up a Kinect (and, presumably, an Xbox 360) when the peripheral hits store shelves on Nov. 4? I highly doubt it, but you never know--the Power of OprahTM has helped sell stinkier turds in the past.

(By the way, a better version of the video above can be viewed here.)

Pre-order: Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures!


  1. Oh boy. Just what we need, more reasons for developers to make "casual" games. SHOVELWARE ALERT!

  2. Yeah, you could be right. That said, I really don't see Kinect being as popular with the soccer mom set as Microsoft thinks it will be...

  3. Haha, this was unexpected! Surreal in a way, really.

  4. Surreal is a good word to describe this and pretty much any other such video, Zigfried. The ladies that make up her audience will go crazy over ANYTHING, I tell you. I'll bet you could give them all a free Happy Meal and they'd rip each other's arms off (cue SNL clip)...
