Saturday, December 25, 2010

Early impressions: Donkey Kong Country Returns

So, I just played through (most of) Donkey Kong Country Returns' first world. My initial impressions: It's GORGEOUS! Oh, and it controls like a dream.

The latter is important because I can tell, even at this early stage, that the game is going to be tough. I've already died quite a few times and I've also had more than a few sweaty-palm moments.

Is it going to elbow Kirby's Epic Yarn out of the way and become my favorite Wii game of 2010? It's too early to say, although I'm pretty sure it's going to give it a run for its money.


  1. Hopefully I'll have my own impressions of this one soon...

  2. Yes! I'm really liking it so far. I'm not sure which I prefer, though -- this or Kirby. Actually, at this point I do know -- I prefer Kirby -- but I'm not sure which I'll prefer when all is said and done...
