Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Fabulous flash game alert: Mission in Snowdriftland

In the run up to Christmas in 2006, a Nintendo-backed platformer called Mission in Snowdriftland appeared on the Internet.

Part game and part advent calendar, the Flash-based Mission in Snowdriftland featured 24 levels--a new one opened up each day from Dec. 1 through Dec. 24--of wondrously wintry action.

Although this Extra Toxic-developed game was removed from the Web on Jan. 16, 2007, it reappeared a few days ago (on Dec. 1, to be specific)--seemingly to promote a bunch of DSiWare and WiiWare titles.

If you're any kind of platformer fan, I suggest you get your butt over to mission-in-snowdriftland.com pronto--before it disappears for another four years.


  1. BTW, I'd just like to add here that I've *love* to play this with an actual controller, and on a TV screen. As such, I'd gladly hand over $5 for a WiiWare port, but I doubt Nintendo has that in mind :(

  2. I respect a game that can kick my ass repeatedly in the first level while still controlling pretty well. Yikes. Not an easy game.

  3. Ha! Sounds like you and I have had a similar experience so far. I'm on the third stage, but it's taken me a LONG time to get there. I wonder if it would be easier if I used a pad instead of the keyboard?

  4. I'll bet it would be easier with a pad. God knows it couldn't be any harder.

  5. Starfighter4:38 PM

    This was a bit fun actually! I played a couple of minutes at least and got through the first 8 levels without too much trouble. A bit of lag/slowdown here and there but I'm used to that with this computer.. :/

  6. Glad you had fun with it, Starfighter! I'm going to have to spend some more time with it next week, I think.
