Thursday, January 06, 2011

Not sure if want: Atlus' Catherine

I've had my eye on Atlus' Catherine, which will be released (in Japan) for the PS3 and Xbox 360 on Feb. 17, since it was announced last fall.

Until yesterday, though, I didn't have a clue as to how the game would play. Now that I do have a clue--thanks to the trailer below--I'm not sure if I should keep Catherine, which was developed by Atlus' Persona team, on my "to buy" list (you know, after I finally pick up a PS3 or Xbox 360) or if I should move it to my "avoid unless you're forced at gunpoint to buy it" list.

See also: 'And this week's 'WTF is this?' award goes to ...' and 'Will either of these box covers leave Japan?'


  1. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I want for sure

  2. When you get it, anonymous, will you share some impressions here? I'd appreciate it! :)

  3. Actually, I'm more interested now that I see gameplay. It looks like kind of a blast!

  4. Totally buying this now.

  5. Ha! I guess I'm the only one (here, at least) who was hoping for or expecting something else. Don't get me wrong, it certainly seems interesting -- I was just hoping it would be more like the Persona games. You know, an RPG or something similar.
