Thursday, February 03, 2011


Artist Curtis Bathurst recently CC'd me on the following tweet:

"When I was twelve, Earnest Evans was my 16-bit heartthrob."

Naturally, that got me thinking about gaming crushes. Honestly, I'm not sure I've had any. Of course, I've rarely fawned over actors or musicians, so maybe that's not so surprising.

Image taken from the splendiferous Segagaga Domain.

Still, I can understand why someone would consider a game character--especially a hunky one like Earnest Evans (above)--to be a heartthrob.

My question to anyone reading this, then, is: Have you ever had a crush on a game character? If so, which one(s)?

See also: 'Hubba hubba'


  1. Oh yeah...for sure. Leon from RE4 is cute. I was a little in love with the main character from Hybrid Heaven whose name I can't recall...the one with the shower scene in the first 5 minutes. HOT.

    And...maybe I might have been a little in love with Little Mac in the new Punch Out!!

  2. Earnest Evans is perhaps videogaming's greatest icon. The CD version of his game also has an incredible theme song to go along with his incredible heroism. When faced with tricky situations, I ask myself: "What would Earnest Evans do?"

    You probably think I'm joking. I'm not!

  3. Justin: I *knew* you'd chime in on this one! I think I knew you'd mention Leon, too. (You must have mentioned him before.)

    Oh, and you'll love this (I think): I've been meaning to write a second/updated version of my "Gaming's Hottest Hunks" post for a while and guess who will definitely be included? Yep, Little Mac from the new Punch Out!!

    Your comment may have pushed me to finally write that post...

  4. That's a very interesting comment, Zigfried. Have you ever thought of making a t-shirt that said, "What Would Earnest Evans Do?" Assuming it was well designed, I'd buy at least one :)

    Also, I'm sad to say I've never played any version of Earnest Evans. I'm esp. sad about that fact because I lusted after the Sega CD back in the day. I think I'm going to have to add a Genesis + Sega CD (or, even better, a Sega CD-X) to my collection sooner rather than later.

  5. I just think he's friggin adorable in the new Punch Out!!

  6. Yeah, he is. Or, at least, a human version of him would be.

  7. I wouldn't be too sad about not getting to play Earnest Evans. El Viento, on the other hand, is one of the coolest action-platformers ever.

    The Genesis has lots of great games and is definitely worth getting into if you ask me.

    As for gaming crushes... Jessica from Lunar SSSC. :D

  8. Oh, I played quite a few Genesis games back in the day, IvaNEC, so I know it's worth getting into. I just haven't owned one in a number of years. Anyway, when I do, I'll be sure to track down El Viento :)

    Also, now you're going to make me go look up Jessica from Lunar. Is she the blue-haired one?

  9. Jessica is the blonde catgirl. I prefer Mia (the black-haired one) myself.

  10. Thanks for the info, Zigfried. As much as I love the Lunar series, it's been a loooooong time since I played the first one, and even then I wasn't able to play it for very long (I rented it from my local grocery store. LOL!).

    Anyway, describing Jessica as a blonde catgirl gives me all of the info I need, I think :)

  11. Starfighter3:47 PM

    I have had one crush on a video game character, and one crush only. It was about 10 years ago when I first played Quake 3.

    And I'm not trying to be funny or anything, people have asked me that before about this subject.

  12. Hey, I'm not going to judge your choice of game-related crush, Starfighter! I firmly believe all of us can develop crushes on whomever we want :)

  13. Oh, and Sabin from FF6. OMG. He's a little hottie.

  14. Yep, mostly the sluttily-dressed girlies in fighting games! Mai (KOF), Cammy (SF), Kasumi (DOA) etc... :P

  15. Starfighter9:07 AM

    I must admit I have some kind of feelings for Guile (Street Fighter) as well, now that I've had some time to think about it. I'm not fond of either the military nor macho-bad-ass-men but he's just... well, he is the man quite frankly.

  16. Justin: Ah, yes, I can see that. He always reminded me of Guile from SFII, for some reason -- which is a good thing :)

  17. Ha ha! Streetfighter: I have a feeling I feel (or could feel, at least) the same way about certain sluttily-dressed male characters in fighting games :)

  18. Oops, that message was directed at RetroKingSimon, not "Streetfighter." Doh!

  19. I understand completely, Starfighter. Guile's hair is kind of ridiculous, but the rest of him? Yikes! (In a good way.)

  20. See how many comments this post got? That's what happens when you mention Earnest Evans!

  21. I guess this means I should write more posts that include Earnest Evans, eh? ;)

  22. Cecil. Rosa. Sheena Fujibayashi. Kratos Aurion... A handful of others. Er... Richter Belmont...

  23. That's quite a list, Gaelach Rose! I esp. like that you've had crushes on both Cecil and Rosa :)

  24. You should see the alternate costumes for Ryu (torn shirt), Cody's um...suit and Sagat's oh so flattering body suit. Very "form fitting". LOL

    But my crush is the shirtless Raven from Tekken 6. *drool*

  25. Thanks for the comment, technobeast2!

    I don't think I've seen these alternate costumes you just pointed out, but I'm definitely going to check then out soon :)

    I also, sadly, don't know much about Raven from Tekken 6.

    Thanks goodness for Google! ;)
