Tuesday, February 01, 2011

I'm still working my way through The 4 Heroes of Light, by the way

Although I took a bit of a break from my playthrough of Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light a few weeks ago--after trying, and failing, to beat the final boss, oh, seven or eight times--I picked it up again over the weekend.

I'm not worrying about the final boss--his name's Chaos, in case you're curious--at the moment, though; instead, I'm focusing on the game's four, 100-floor bonus towers.

They're quite challenging, as I'm sure you can imagine. For starters, the layout of each and every floor is randomly generated. Also, every 20 floors or so you're forced to battle a boss.

This guy reminds me of Professor Layton for some reason.

It's not all bad, though, as each tower has a special shop on its 40th floor, and treasure chests--filled with rare weapons and armor--are located on each tower's 70th and 90th floors. Oh, and you receive a crown--four total--every time you beat a tower's 100th-floor boss.

So far, I've conquered the first tower and made it to the 40th floor on the second and third towers. I may take another run at Chaos after I complete the second tower--or maybe I'll just stick with the bonus towers until I get sick of them...


  1. I always love a good super-enormous bonus dungeon. I think Star Ocean 2 and Final Fantasy X-2 had my favorites.

  2. Me too, IvaNEC! The ones in this game remind me of the huge tower that opens up after you beat Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon.

    Sadly, I've never played FF X-2. Hell, I've never played FF X! I'll have to get around to that someday...

  3. There's so many RPG's I need to play but I never seem to get enough time to dedicate to them :(

    This one sounds very good too...

  4. Yeah, not only are there too many RPGs around, but it's hard to have the attention span for them as you get older, isn't it? Not that I'm saying you're getting old -- I don't even know how old you are! I'm speaking for myself here...

    Anyway, this *is* a good game. It's definitely like an old-school Final Fantasy in many ways, although it does some things differently from the old ones. It's definitely as hard as the old ones, though -- which is something I really like :)

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one getting to the middle of a 50+ hour game and going, "Meh..." Give me a great 20 hour RPG. I'd be so happy with that!

  6. I could have finished it around the 30-hour mark, Justin, if I could have beaten the damn final boss. Ugh :(

    I mean, I love that this game is challenging, but I have to say this is the first time I've been stumped by a final boss in a Final Fantasy game...

  7. That's pretty surprising, actually. Maybe there's a kickass spell or something you don't have...Kefka in FF6 kicked my ass repeatedly until I got Ultima...and gave it to him repeatedly until he died.

  8. I don't think so, but who knows? I even resorted to looking up a few videos on YouTube and tried replicating those efforts -- to no avail. Eh, I'll try again after I've beaten a few of these towers...

  9. Yeah...nothing like grinding some levels and getting some crazy stuff to help out in the end.

    For the record, the word verification on this one was "stink".

  10. You know what I think is hurting me at this point? I have a feeling enemies in this FF gain levels as you do, so as I get stronger so does the final boss. Ugh.

    As for "stink" being your word verification this time around -- do you think that says something about my post? :)

  11. I find the game so relaxing that it usually sends me to sleep almost immediately after a long day at work, but that doesn't stop it from being my favorite DS game, and the most aesthetically pleasing use of low-poly 3D since DewPrism or Vagrant Story. It's a complete marvel. I hope I ever get to play it without passing out.

  12. That's a very interesting comment, Curtis! What is it about it that puts you to sleep? The music? The languid pace of travel?

    Also, I agree with you 100% when it comes to this being a great-looking game, especially considering its limited amount of polys. I'm especially blown away by the towns you visit over the course of the game.
