Monday, March 28, 2011

So, who got a 3DS?

Well, the Nintendo 3DS was released (in the US) over the weekend. Who got one?

Also, what do you think of it--and what do you think of the built-in software and any of the games you picked up alongside the system?

Oh, and one more question: Did any of you get one of CTA's "pet-style protection carry case and puppet" accessories (above)?

If not, and if you'd still like one, you can order one through for $9.99 here.


  1. hehe, waiting for my to arrive to Ukraine :D

  2. Oh, well, hopefully it'll arrive soon! Did you get any games along with the system, Nuts?

  3. Starfighter8:41 AM

    I fooled around with one in a game store today, I'm quite impressed actually. The card-thingys (that makes enemies and what not appear on your table, in your hand, on your head etc) were really really really fun. The 3D-effect was impressing but the games kind of bores me to death at this point. I will be picking one up in a few years. :)

  4. Hey there, Starfighter -- and thanks for sharing your thoughts! I've heard a lot of good things about the AR games and the built-in software, so your impressions seem to be right in line with all of that.

    Also, I'm with you on waiting a bit to pick up a 3DS. I'm not planning to wait a few years, but I'm definitely waiting until next year at least.

  5. I tried it along with Starfighter in the store today. The 3D effects worked surprisingly well! At least the built in-features. I had a harder time with the 3D effects on Ridge Racer. But maybe because that was the first I tried and I was getting used to it. Face Raiders made me laugh out loud. Silly but fun!

    I'm waiting as well for the good games, but I really enjoyd trying it out!

  6. Thanks for sharing your impressions, too, Linnea! Sounds like the built-in software will be the thing that gets/keeps the word-of-mouth ball rolling regarding the 3DS. Can't wait to try it myself!

  7. BTW, readers: If you're looking for more impressions, Viewtiful Justin, intrepid commenter on and follower of TheGayGamer blog, shares his opinions on the 3DS here --

  8. No, i didnt ordered any games with it, i'm now searching for job, so i dont have any money, but i think i'll just use it as web browser + play old ds games and + little AR thingy games =3

  9. Oh, I understand completely, Nuts! Sounds like you should be OK with just the AR games and DS games -- at least for a while.

    Good luck with the job search, BTW!

  10. Thanks for the link! I was going to post one, but you beat me to it! I got one, and I love it! Pilotwings is amazing for anyone who likes the (long neglected) series.

  11. You're welcome, Justin -- and thanks for posting your impressions in the first place!

    I'll definitely pick up Pilotwings whenever I finally get a 3DS...

  12. Here's another great write-up, folks -- -- in case you're interested...

  13. Wow. That other write-up made me want to cry. How awe-filled and almost reverent! He definitely says what needs to be said about it, and, for once, he makes me want to check out some other titles, just to see what they can do.

  14. Yeah, it definitely was a good write-up, although so was yours!

    Anyway, I'm especially curious about this diorama effect the system seems to produce. Swoon!

  15. Well, think about holding a miniature world in a device in your hand. It's like that. Simply astounding...

    I took the 3D camera for a spin in the real world today, and it stood up pretty dang well.

  16. Oh, that sounds amazing, Justin!
