Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Great Gaymathon Review #25: Mappy (Famicom)

Game: Mappy
Genre: Platformer
Developer: Namcot
Publisher: Namcot
System: Famicom
Release date: 1984

When I first encountered the Famicom versions of Namcot's arcade classics (Dig Dug, Pac-Man and this game, especially), I rolled my eyes. They weren't "arcade perfect," so I wanted nothing to do with them. It wasn't until I acquired a cherry-red Twin Famicom late last year that I gave these ports another chance--mainly, I have to admit, because I adore the art that appears on their box covers. So, what do I think of the Famicom version of Mappy now that I've finally played it? Surprisingly, I think it's pretty great. The most important aspect of the arcade original, its gameplay (which revolves around the titular "police mouse" trying to retrieve a stash of stolen goods from a mansion full of trampolines and thieving cats), is just as tight and, more importantly, fun in the home port. The game's graphics have made a similarly successful transition from coin muncher to console, as has its soundtrack--although the latter could be considered a bit tinny (if not downright grating) compared to its arcade counterpart. All in all, this version of the one and only "cat chase game" is well worth picking up if you own a Famicom. If not, there's always the Famicom Mini Series re-release, which can be played on all GameBoy Advances and GBA-enabled DSes.

See also: Previous 'Great Gaymathon' posts


  1. I think I might have played this in the arcade once a long, long time ago...but...since then? Not so much. Maybe I should give it a try.

  2. This is one of those ones I keep meaning to play but haven't got around to yet. Much of the appeal is the main character but I don't even know what kind of game it is! Platformer, I guess...

  3. I'm kind of surprised you've never played this one, Justin! The arcade version is available on the Wii Virtual Console, by the way. Or you can get it (arcade version) on pretty much any of the Namco Collection releases. Personally, I think it's right up there with Dig Dug and Pac-Man when it comes to Namco's arcade classics.

  4. And you haven't played it either, Simon? For shame! (I kid...) As for what kind of game it is -- I didn't really explain that, did I? I guess I thought everyone had played it before :P

    Yes, it's a platformer, but not a typical one. You control a policeman mouse who has to retrieve a bunch of stolen items from a house full of cats. (I think the cats were the ones who stole the items, but don't quote me on that.) For some strange reason, this house has trampolines between the floors -- which allow you to quickly change which floor you're on and also allow you to escape the thieving cats that are chasing you. Anyway, once you've retrieved all of a level's stolen goods, you move on to the next one.

    It's a very simple game, like all of the best arcade classics, that's also quite addicting and fun. I highly recommend giving it a try sometime :)

  5. Here's a gameplay vid of the Famicom version of the game, in case anyone's curious --

  6. They make it look so easy.

  7. Yeah, the person playing the game in that video is an expert, for sure. As much as I love the game, I rarely make it past the sixth stage :( Of course, I don't make it very far in Pac-Man or Ms. Pac-Man or Dig Dug either, and I still play those games quite a bit.

  8. I agree on all points! Mappy for the Famicom is a really fun one to play, and I love the box art too. I only have a loose copy, BTW, I envy your boxed one!

  9. Thanks for the comment, Sean! Yeah, it is a fun one to play, isn't it? Actually, a lot of these Namco(t) arcade ports are great: Dig Dug, Mappy, Pac-Man, Sky Kid. I still need to get Galaga, though :)
