Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Exposed at last: Mario's butt dimples

Did you know that butt dimples are also known as "dimples of Venus"? More importantly, did you know that Mario has them?

At least, that's how Perler-bead artist Danny Yama (aka Danny _8bit) depicts Nintendo's main dude in a recent creation called "Sexy Spa Mario."

Mario and his "dimples of Venus" aren't the only ones Yama has immortalized via Perler beads. Other sources of inspiration: Dragon Quest (Dragon Quest IV's Ragnar McRyan, in particular), The Legend of Zelda, Ninja Jajamaru-Kun and Spelunker.

To see more examples of Yama's work, pay a visit to his blog and/or his Flickr photostream.


  1. Why did I even click on a link about Mario's butt dimples? -_-;

    But I do love 8bit perler art!

  2. Because you wanted to see Mario's butt dimples, Kimimi! There's no harm in that :)

    Did you check out the rest of Danny's perler art, BTW? Some of it is *great*!

  3. He's done some fantastic work hasn't he? I'll have to buy a bag of beads and finally have a go myself :)

  4. Well, if you do, please let me see some of your creations, will you?

    I'd love to do some of this myself, but I think I'm too busy/lazy at this point :P

  5. Oh my. Also, I love that you know the terminology "dimples of Venus".

    I used to do these perler things when I was little but never video game stuff! So strange, really, since games were still my thing back then. Instead I made rainbow-colored cats and dogs :).

  6. Oh my is right, Marcus!

    It's funny that Danny decided to give Mario 'dimples of Venus,' isn't it? I'm glad he did, though, as it makes the, er, creation more interesting, IMO.

    Also, I love that you used to make rainbow-colored cats and dogs out of perler beads, Marcus :)

  7. Who wouldn't love it, right, Justin? I guess people who hate or are afraid of (it could happen) butt dimples might not like it, but that's about it.

    BTW, I love that Mario keeps his shoes/socks/whatever-those-brown-things-are-around-his-feet on while bathing :)

  8. Mario bathes with his hat on eh?

  9. Ah, yes, that too, Adam! Why is it I only noticed his socks/shoes? :)
