Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The Nichiest Podcast Ever: Take 003

Got a few minutes (OK, more like 110) to spare? If so, you may want to head on over to morningproject.com and listen to the latest, greatest episode of The Nichiest Podcast Ever.

What do Anne, shidoshi and I chat about this time? The blurb that shidoshi conjured up describes it pretty well, I think: "Nintendo announces shidoshi’s perfect 3DS XL (and some other models), all about the Wii U, a whole lot of talk about Tokyo Game Show 2012, follow-up about the Gaymercom name, Dead or Alive fans love big breasts, Cheerleading (Tokyo Jungle, The "Denpa" Men), and Nichiest of Them All."

I have to add, of course, that "shidoshi's perfect 3DS XL" (aka the "PINK x WHITE" model I've mentioned far too many times since it was announced just over a month ago) is my perfect 3DS XL, too--although the Animal Crossing-branded 3DS XL (or, rather, LL) that's also discussed during this podcast may soon push it out of that top spot (in my brain at least).

Should you decide to check out this episode of The Nichiest Podcast Ever, would you do me, shidoshi and Anne a favor? Would you let us know your thoughts about it--good, bad or otherwise? Feel free to do so in the comments section below or aim a tweet at any or all of us (Anne can be found at @apricotsushi, shidoshi at @pikoeri and I'm at @thegaygamer).

See also: Previous posts about The Nichiest Podcast Ever


  1. Can't wait until I have some time to listen to this!!

  2. Thanks, Justin! Hope you enjoy it :)

  3. Another great episode! I've been trying to emulate Jingle Cats, but the ISO doesn't seem to work with ePSXe or pSX. So disappointing, cuz it sounded really fun.

  4. Thanks, warp! Glad you liked it :) Also, sorry to hear you've been unsuccessful when it comes to playing Jingle Cats via emulation. You know what this means, right? You have to go get the real thing! Actually, I'm seriously considering doing just that. Thanks shidoshi! :P

  5. Ugh, I tried hooking up my old PS1 to one of my LCD TV's recently and it was *not* pretty. Also seems to have some audio issues as well. I guess emulation has spoiled me.

  6. Ha ha! Yes, hooking up old systems to newer TVs can be a hideous experience, warp. Thankfully, I have a small and rather old flatscreen TV that is perfect for such occasions. Since you don't, I'd stick with emulation -- and maybe try another PSone emulator or two? I have to imagine at least one of them will run this game...
