Wednesday, June 08, 2011

I think I'm more excited about Luigi's Mansion 2 than Super Mario 3DS

The headline above isn't meant to be a cut on Super Mario 3DS, by the way; I think the mustachioed plumber's next three-dimensional platformer looks absolutely wonderful. There's just something about Luigi's Mansion 2 that makes me go weak in the knees. (I'm not completely sure, but think it may have something to do with Luigi's bouncy little trot, seen on a number of occasions in the trailer below.)

Sigh. I guess this means I'll have to pick up a 3DS sooner rather than later. I mean, I was planning to get one at some point, but I honestly thought it wouldn't happen until late next year--hopefully after a price drop and a DSlite-like revision. Now I'm thinking it may have to happen whenever Luigi's Mansion 2 is released.


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Luigi's mansion 1 was definitely fun and original, so I'll probably buy the sequel. But then it doesn't look very different to me, which isn't good considering the entire game is basically sucking up Ghosts, I hope they shake it up a bit.

    I actually like the 3d Mario's more than the 2d Mario's, I'm so excited, and those screenshots! They do things to me.

  2. It sounds like this one will feature multiple mansions, so hopefully that means they're changing up the game in other ways, too.

    As for Mario 3DS -- yes, the screens of that game do things to me, too. Especially the ones involving the Tanooki Suit!

  3. I know...this might have been the biggest and most unexpected shock (and joy) of the whole show for me.

  4. It was shocking, wasn't it? I expected a sequel to come out for the Wii a long time ago, and when it failed to materialize I thought all hope was lost. Thankfully I was wrong!

  5. How great, right?! And I'm glad it's for a system I currently HAVE! Every thought of, "OMG, that's gonna be SO COOL!" that I have about the proposed Wii U games comes with an attached, "But will I ever be able to afford it?" thought. This one is pure joy!

  6. The shoe's on the opposite foot for both of this this time around, isn't it? You get to say, "Yes! It's for a system I own!" and I get to say, "Damn, I don't own the system yet!"

    BTW, I think you'll be able to afford a Wii U -- and if not at launch, then soon after. Really, I'm going to be disappointed if it's launched above $299, esp. since the PS3 is sure to be $249 or even $199 by the time it hits the streets.

  7. I think it'll be $350 or $399.

  8. Oh, man, do I hope you're wrong. Not only will I not buy one at $399, I think a lot of people would pass on one at that price. Look at what's happening with the 3DS at $249! Well, if they decide to go down that route, they deserve to have another unimpressive launch, IMO.

    Honestly, even if they launch at $349 I'm not buying one. $299? Sure, but not any higher. Like I said, PS2 is going to be $249 if not $199 at that point. $399 would be insane.

    All that said, I could see it, because Nintendo can be dumb like that sometimes :(
