Tuesday, December 20, 2011

For the seventh game of Christmas, the UPS man brought to me ...

... the PlayStation version of Mr. Driller.

I've been curious about this kinda-sorta follow-up to Dig Dug, released throughout the world in 2000, for some time now, but I didn't bite the bullet on it until I found a complete (case, disk and manual) copy of it on eBay for just a few bucks.

I know I could have bought any of this series' more modern and recent sequels, but I wanted to start with the first one. Also, it's been a while since I've bought a game for my PlayStation, so this was a good way for me to kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes.

Should I enjoy my first Mr. Driller experience, though, I definitely could see myself buying, say, Mr. Driller A for the GameBoy Advance or Mr. Driller Drill Spirits for the DS down the road.

See also: Previous '12 Games of Christmas' posts


  1. I haven't played Mr. Driller yet either. I hear the XBLA port came out a few years ago, except the online play was literally broken. They fixed it later, but long after most people cared.

  2. I enjoyed the DS game for what it was but was never compelled to put too much time into it. I heard the PS1 version has a great soundtrack.

  3. I've liked all of the ones I've played, for what they're worth. They're pretty much addictive as hell, and Robb loves to spend an hour just digging every once and a while. I'd call that a good endorsement, since he doesn't game SUPER much.

  4. Adam: Yeah, I've heard of the XBLA release. I've actually avoided it because of the very same issues you mentioned. I didn't know Namco eventually fixed them, though. Oh, well, too late now!

  5. Hey there, Retr0gamer! Oh, I hope you're right about the PS version's soundtrack. I guess I'll have to give it a try soon :)

  6. Ah, that *is* a good endorsement, Justin! I'll let you know what I think of it as soon as I play it (which will be shortly, I promise!).

  7. Great choice and as someone who owns every game including the iOS release I can definitely tell you that it becomes such an addictive and fun experience.

  8. Hey Bryan! Got to love Mr Driller. That is a much cuter disc than the Dreamcast one. Still, he is adorable!

  9. You own every version ever made of Mr. Driller, Andrew? That's impressive! What's your favorite version, if you don't mind me asking?

  10. Hey there, Linnea! Nice to see you back here again :) This disk is cute, isn't it?

    I nearly bought the Dreamcast version instead, by the way, but I went with the PS1 version because it's been so long since I last bought a PS1 game.

  11. What an adorable disc! And it's nice to hear that you finally got yourself a version of Mr. Driller :)

    As I've mentioned before, I've got both Mr. Driller A and Mr. Driller Drill Spirits... If you ever plan on getting a handheld version, I definitely recommend Mr. Driller A. The box art is adorable and the music is great... All up I think the whole package is much better presented then the DS version (the image looks a bit grainy, the music is good but sound quality not so much).

  12. HI Bryan
    I spent a couple of words for your nice blog. I hope to see you post a comment on.
    Here is the link:

    I think you should use the Google translator Plus: D

    Hello and Thanks

  13. Oh, Anne, thanks for that info! Like I said in the post, I'm considering buying both the GBA and DS versions of the game, so it's great to hear that one is the preferable portable version. I especially like the idea of getting the GBA version because I've been a bit obsessed with that system lately, but I don't actually own many games for it. So, thanks again!

  14. Hey there, Marco! That's really nice of you :) I'll go read it now -- using Google Translator, as you suggest. Anyway, thank you!

  15. Marco: I just checked out the post you mentioned in your last comment. Thank you for that! I'm glad you find my funny and that you like my posts/reviews. Also, it's great that you mentioned Red Parsley, too :)

  16. ti ringrazio in italiano:" Grazie di esser passato! "

  17. You're very welcome, Marco! And thank you, too :)
