Monday, December 19, 2011

Samba de Amigo + Space Channel 5 = another game added to my too-long 3DS wish list

I'm pretty fond of rhythm games, so you'd think I would have added Sega's upcoming 3DS release, Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure, to my wish list long ago.

Not so. I couldn't tell you why that is, to be honest, although I think it has something to do with not being all that interested in the game's rather colorless protagonist.

Anyway, my interest has soared thanks to the just-released videos below, which suggest Samba de Amigo and Space Channel 5 segments will be included in Rhythm Thief.

Here's some footage of the Samba de Amigo segment:

And here's some footage of the Space Channel 5 segment:

When will you be able to get your grubby little hands on Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure? Well, if you're American or Japanese (or you own an American or Japanese 3DS), you'll be able to pick up a copy of the game on Feb. 25. (Pre-order the North American version here.)

I'd guess Europeans will gain access to it on that date, too, but I can't say that with any certainty.


  1. I would REALLY love to now how those Samba de Amigo sections work...

  2. Yes yes yes! Very excited for this one. I'll be reviewing it for VGW, so you be sure to look out for that ;)

    Speaking of which, I've always wanted a full set of Samba de Amigo with the maracas and everything..

  3. Justin: Yeah, it'll be interesting to see if each section controls differently or if they're all the same. Hopefully we'll find out about all of that soon...

  4. Ah, I didn't know you were interested in this one, Anne! Anyway, I'll *definitely* keep an eye out for your review :)

    I've always wanted a full Samba de Amigo version, too, by the way. Maybe someday I'll finally bite the bullet. I mean, my other Dreamcast games could use some company, don't you think? :P

  5. Ooooooh, looks lovely indeed! Especially Space Channel 5! Looks like it will work good on the touch screen, Ouendan style.

    Will Space Michael be in that game although Jackson is dead? I hope so..

  6. Glad to hear someone else is looking forward this one :) I, too, hope Space Michael is in it, Linnea. I'm not so sure he'll make it in, though...

  7. Maybe they could bring in Zombie Space Michael from the original version of Plants vs Zombies? :D

    I'm glad Santa is bringing a 3DS to a little someone in the family, anyway :)

  8. Ah, I like the way you think, coolpowers! Also, that's great that one of your loved ones is getting a 3DS from Santa. Hope he/she likes it :)
