Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Who's up for another episode of The Nichiest Podcast Ever?

You didn't think Anne, shidoshi and I gave up on this venture, did you? Sure, it's been just over two months since the last one (our fifth) graced the world with its presence (ahem), but the only reason we didn't record one in March was that all three of us found ourselves a tad too busy. (OK, so it really was because shidoshi was busy. Anne and I didn't mind the delay, though!)

Anyway, we recorded another episode last night, and I'm hoping the five of you who listen to it (I kid--kind of) will enjoy this one every bit as much as you've enjoyed our previous efforts.

As for what we talked about this time around: well, we began by chatting about a trio of nichier-than-niche soon-to-be-released PSP games (Sweet Fuse: At Your Side, Class of Heroes 2 and Black Rock Shooter) as well as a trio of so-far-Japan-only 3DS games (Bravely Default, Fantasy Life and Sayonara Umihara Kawase) that, rumor has it, will see the light of day in the western world sometime soon. Oh, and we also (finally) chimed in on the PS4 and the next Xbox.

Finally, we all spent a few minutes cheerleading in support of some recently released niche-y games (I chose HarmoKnight, Anne selected Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and shidoshi went with Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers) and played yet another round of everyone's favorite guessing game, "Nichiest of Them All."

If you'd like to listen to the first five episodes of The Nichiest Podcast Ever before taking in the latest one (which should go live within the next few days), you can do so here:


  1. HOORAY!!!!! Looking forward to it.

  2. Really? Great! I hope you enjoy it, Justin. I think I had the most fun during this one, so hopefully that'' come through in the final product :)

  3. Hey Bryan!

    Did you watch the new 3DS Nintendo Direct?

    We will get the Limited Animal Crossing New Leaf 3DS XL!
    And finally Earthbound as a Virtual Console title (because it was never released in EU).

    Also Bravely Default, Shin Megami Tensei IV and the new Prof Layton game have been announced for Europe and they showed a new Zelda 3DS and Yoshi's Island game!

    OMG I am so excited!

    BTW I love your NPE episodes :D And I'm looking forward to the new one.

  4. I wish we were getting the Luigi-themed 3DS they announced for Japan.

  5. Yes, I've seen that one :)
    Just watched the japanese Direct.
    It looks pretty funny.

  6. I did watch it, Lizzi! And I just finished writing a post about my thoughts on all of the things you mentioned here. It'll be published in just a few minutes. Anyway, to say I'm thrilled would be a massive understatement :)

  7. Who knows, Zaphod, maybe we will get it? We're getting the game later than the Japanese are, after all. Or at least I think we are--August rather than July, right? Regardless, I agree that it's a nice-looking system, although I wouldn't buy it myself. (Simply because I only own a 3DS XL.)

  8. Yep, I watched it, too. Not too different from the one we got here the US, although they did show new footage of Sayonara Umihara Kawase.

  9. I can't wait to hear your defense for not buying Soul Hackers. ;> Seriously I can pretty much guess what you're gonna say. But so far (except for the manual), it's pretty much as amazing as I knew it would be.

  10. Well, I will admit that shidoshi's praise of Soul Hackers has me rethinking my position, Steve, but at the same time I'm sitting here staring at a number of unopened/unplayed 3DS titles and I can't help but feel like I've made the right decision. Also, it's not like I won't be able to buy it in some form or fashion in the future should I decide to change my mind :P
