Thursday, May 16, 2013

As if we didn't feel bad enough about Tomodachi Collection: New Life's lack of a western release

Thanks go out to "Occupy White," a member of the Gay Nintendo Gamers Facebook group, for making me aware of the following video, which is a five-and-a-half-minute trailer for Nintendo's Tomodachi Collection: New Life--released in Japan on April 28--that's been translated into English by YouTubers LinandKo.

Since it seems all but certain this 3DS title will remain a import-only affair--much like its DS-based predecessor, which hit the streets of its home country back in the summer of 2009--I'm seriously considering picking up a copy sooner rather than later.

Granted, I won't be able to understand much of what's going on for some time to come, but I'm hoping it and a few other games will help push me along the path to learning Japanese.


  1. I must admit, I'm a bit fascinated by this game as well, though I have no idea why. I mean it's basically just a Japanese version of The Sims, right? I did manage to emulate the DS game enough to make a few GIFs, but I really had no idea what was going on, so I couldn't do much.

  2. I wish I could tell you if it's basically a Japanese version of The Sims, Steve, but ... I've never played a Sims game :|

    The likely sounds weird to a lot of people, but that series has never appealed to me on an aesthetic level, so I've pretty much ignored it.

    Regardless, I want to play this game--or the DS version. Or both. Someday...

  3. I agree, The Sims looks super-boring to me (both in concept and aesthetics) so I've stayed far away from it, too. I'm only going on what I've seen/read about it. I have a feeling (like with many games) the only reason I'm interested in Tomodachi Collection is because they won't let us have it in English.

  4. Oh, I'd still be interested in it even if it were released in English, Steve--I can guarantee you that.

    I don't think we're going to be able to find out if that's true, though, as Nintendo seemed to have little interest in localizing the first one, and this one likely will follow a similar path.


  5. Monster_Hunter28822:56 PM

    Hopefully the next TC has at least applied same-sex dates like in the Japanese version of Pokemon Black/White. If Nintendo is ever going to add same-sex marriage to a game its going to take them baby steps like that first.

    On them probably not releasing this worldwide, at least we get Animal Crossing games. AC:New Leaf sounds like it might be the best in the series so far.

  6. I agree Monster_Hunter2882--on all counts! I especially agree with what you have to say about Nintendo and baby steps, though. I guess I'm just getting less patient as I age :)

    As for New Leaf: yes, by all accounts it should be the best in the series. I absolutely can't wait until I can get my grubby little (big) hands on it.
