Thursday, May 30, 2013

Get Lucky (feat. K.K. Slider)

"This is far better than it has any right to be."

That's what one particular YouTube user said earlier today about the following Animal Crossing x Daft Punk mash-up, and I couldn't agree with him (or her) more.

A download link to (a louder version of) the track is included in the video's description, so go here if you'd like to listen to it whenever and wherever your heart desires.

On a related note, is anyone else going absolutely nuts waiting for Animal Crossing: New Leaf to be released in their neck of the woods?


  1. I may have listened to this several times. *cough*

    Until I saw this posted on NeoGAF, I had no idea K.K. Slider remixes were floating around out there. I had fun surfing through YouTube to see what was out there. Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" was fun. lol

  2. Yes, I saw this on NeoGAF, too, Zaphod--and I also didn't know KK Slider remixes were a "thing." Too fun!

  3. It's going to be a long week of waiting, but I'm glad it's releasing on a Sunday so I can all day playing.

  4. Oh! I didn't realize June 9 is a Sunday. EVEN BETTER!

  5. Monster_Hunter28825:46 PM

    Is it weird that I prefer this version over the non K.K. Slider version. There are also songs I don't like (I like "Get Lucky" and Daft Punk) that have K.K. remixes like pretty much any Lady GaGa song. Yes I know, I'm 1 of those weird gay guys that doesn't not like stereotypical gay things like Lady GaGa's music.

    Also I'm not sure if I'll being getting it day 1 because I'm getting it as a download but buying things over the internet hasn't really been an option for me recently. I did see on Game Stop's site that they're selling Download codes so I'm going to call one of their stores to see if they're selling them in stores so maybe I can get it by Wednesday. Also I'm going to post my 3DS friend code here for anyone that wants to add me. I don't know anyone were I live that plays AC and haven't seen 1 nasty comment on this blog from anybody so I'm going to post it here. 0387-9291-5022 (I use my real name Sam on 3DS) Also I don't use voice chat in anything, I don't know if AC:NL has voice chat just putting it out there.

  6. Monster_Hunter28825:55 PM

    Nintendo's having an event at Nintendo World Store with a DJ. It would be awesome if they played this there and then made DLC that add it to DJ K.K.'s playlist in Club LOL. Sadly that probably will never happen.

    Also K.K. Slider is probably my favorite fictional musician at least in terms of character.

  7. I don't think it's weird at all, Sam! (Hope you don't mind me calling you that. If you do, just let me know. Of course, it's possible I might forget it from time to time and go back to calling you MH2882.) I also prefer this version to the original. I can't say anything about the Poker Face remix yet, as I haven't heard it, but I have a feeling I'll like it. (And I'm not exactly a huge Gaga fan myself.)

    Should you get AC:NL, I'll definitely visit your town or let you visit mine, etc. To make things easier, I'll add your FC to my 3DS now. If you'd like to add me to yours, here it is: 3050-8125-7171

  8. Oh! I knew they were having an event, but I didn't know it would feature a DJ. How cool! Really wish I lived near NYC so I could go. Oh, well!

  9. Monster_Hunter28826:49 PM

    I'd prefer Sam because it sounds more like I'm having a conversation with a human then it would with a username but I don't mind being called MH2882 just don't I call me anything rude (not that I think you or anyone else who visits your blog would, we're far to civilized for that kind of behavior). I know what it's like to forget someone's name so it's OK if you forget. Just the other day I saw a friend I went to middle school with and had an awkward conversation were I avoid using their name at all cost.

    Also I'll try adding your code to my friend list the next time I play with my 3DS.

  10. Monster_Hunter28827:04 PM

    I find the noises K.K. Slider makes to be actually very fitting with Daft Punk's music. I also wish I could go but I live way to far away from NYC and were I live we never get cool game events like this. The closest we get are midnight CoD luanches and from what I heard they don't do anything exciting at them.

  11. If you'd like to add me, mine is 2449-4633-4258. If this plays out like the DS version, I'll probably keep my gate open for visitors even if I'm not playing.

  12. Oh, I'll definitely try to remember that you're Sam, Sam. It's just that with all of these usernames that show up here and on Twitter, etc., it can be hard for me to keep them straight. So, if I forget, don't be too hard on me if I ask you to remind me, OK? ;)

    As for you adding me as a 3DS friend code: that would be great!

  13. Was that aimed at me or Sam, Zaphod? Regardless, I just added you! :)

  14. Yeah, I think the KK sounds and DP backing tracks fit quite well with each other :)

    Also, I don't think we get many exciting events in my neck of the woods, either--and I live in Seattle! I mean, there's PAX Prime and stuff like that, but I don't know of much else.

    Of course, it's possible I'm just completely clueless about what goes on here.

  15. Aimed at both, really. Visitors are always welcome in my town, even if my character is taking a nap somewhere. lol

  16. That's great to hear! I'll definitely be checking it out at some point--you can bet on it.

  17. It's been so long since I've heard a mash up so I'd forgotten how awesome they can be. Combining K.K. Slider with Daft Punk? That is match made in heaven! This was quite the good listen.

  18. Happy to hear you liked it, Reggie! I really hope the person who made this one makes others, as the idea is brilliant, IMO.

  19. Monster_Hunter288212:07 PM

    I add you to my friend list.

  20. Monster_Hunter288212:08 PM

    I added you to my friend list.

  21. Monster_Hunter28825:19 PM

    The guy who made this made another one. It's the Japanese song "PONPONPON" by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.

  22. Ha! I like it. Although I think I'd probably like it better if I'd known the original song beforehand.

  23. OK, now that I've heard the original ... I definitely like (and prefer) this remix a lot more :)

  24. Oh, and here's the original:


  25. Monster_Hunter28827:36 PM

    I've actually seen the music video before and it might be the weirdest music video I've ever seen. I mostly know of the song's existence because people were telling me how weird it 's video was.I'm also not much a fan of the original though I do find it catchy. The re-mixer also has a Nine Inch Nails K.K. remix on his blog.

  26. Yeah, the video for the original version is ... trippy. I really hope there's an element of irony (or something) to this gal's routine. Otherwise, it seems kind of odd and sad to me, for some strange reason.

  27. omg i love this song and i love animal crossing. best of both worlds !!!
