Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Who wouldn't want to wake up to one of these slimy suckers?

I don't know about you, but I start every day by downing a couple of steaming mugfuls of coffee. Unfortunately, the mugs in question are about as boring as you can get--completely unadorned and white.

That may help explain why I'm more interested in acquiring the following Dragon Quest-themed mug than I probably should be.

Of course, I'm a Dragon Quest fan from way back, so that may be partially to blame for my curiosity, too.

Regardless, I'm intrigued--and I'm seriously considering buying one (for $22.90) once they become available at ncsx.com.

The question is: should I buy the one above, branded with the long-running RPG series' smiling mascot, or should I go with the one that features a similarly grinning metal slime?


  1. Metal slime. More experience points for the same amount of caffeine. lol

  2. I have the metal slime one. Since they can run away so easily, I figure it'll give me the same amount of energy ;)

  3. I love it! You've had it for a while, I'm guessing? I really, really want to get one...

  4. Ah, I can see that. I don't hold my mugs that way, though, so I should be fine--if I actually buy one of these suckers, of course :)

  5. Justin Difazzio12:58 PM

    Metal slime gives more exp but is harder to track down...perhaps a regular slime is more morning speed.

  6. Ha ha! I love how all of you are coming up with creative/funny ways of deciding which mug should be the chosen one :)

    BTW, if I had to choose RIGHT NOW, I'd go with the regular slime one, as I've always loved that particular design.

    We'll see!

  7. apricotsushi12:05 AM

    Aw, I saw those when I was in Japan! Should've picked up one for you...

  8. Aw, that's very sweet, Anne, but don't feel bad. I'll buy one and have it shipped if I *really* want one. I can only imagine how much stuff you brought back from Japan--you didn't need a mug for me taking up precious space :)
