Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Four PSP games I'd like to buy and play in 2014

Following up yesterday's post about the four retro games I'd like to buy and play in 2014, here are a quartet of PSP games I'd like to pick up--and, yes, put through their paces--sometime in the next 12 months.

7th Dragon 2020--Actually, I can't decide if I should start with the first of Sega's 7th Dragon 2020 games or skip right to the second one. Either way, I desperately want to play some iteration of this 7th Dragon spin-off series sometime soon, despite the fact that I likely won't be able to understand a word of what's going on while I do it.

Criminal Girls--Is it strange that a gay guy (me, of course) wants to play a game that's all about--or at least partially about--spanking and otherwise abusing girls as they traverse a treacherous tower, RPG-style? I suppose. Still, I'd like to give it a go, mainly because of its art style and gameplay. (I've always been a sucker for a good--or even bad--dungeon-crawler.)

MonHun Nikki: Poka Poka Airu Mura--This game is often described as "Monster Hunter meets Animal Crossing." I'm not completely sure what that means, to tell you the truth, but since I absolutely adore the Animal Crossing series and I've always liked the airu/felyne character, surely I'll enjoy playing a game that somehow combines the two, don't you think?

Yuusha 30 Second--So, the truth is I've only spent a short time with this title's predecessor, which was given a new name--Half-Minute Hero--when it made its way to North America. It was a long enough stint for me to know I'll enjoy the full game, though, and likely have a similarly great time with its Japan-only sequel, too. Should I actually buy a copy in 2014, I mean.

Other possibilities: Final Fantasy Type-0K-On! Houkago Live!!, Nayuta No Kiseki and Sweet Fuse: At Your Side


  1. Half-Minute Hero is my all time favorite PSP game! I wish they would have brought over the 2nd one! =[ It got a PC Port so I assumed it did relatively well! I'll have to try and nab a Japanese copy one of these days! Also, I've always loved the 7th Dragon art and have wanted to play it too! ^^

  2. Ah, I guess this means I really have to get back to Half-Minute Hero soon--and give it a thorough looking over :)

    It's sad they didn't bring over the second one, isn't it? I guess the first one just didn't do as well as people thought it may have done :(

  3. Zigfried12:16 PM

    I'd play all of these. I may actually have 7th Dragon... can't remember if I picked that one up. Which is a really bad sign for my game backlog :(

  4. Sounds kind of like we're two peas in a pod, Zigfried. My backlog is horrendous, too :|
