Wednesday, April 09, 2014

It's always a good time for Chrono Trigger fan art, don't you think?

Although I've never played through Chrono Trigger (yes, my head is bowed in shame), I watched my older brother play through enough of it back in the day to feel like I played through it myself.

Don't worry, I'm not planning to go through life without actually experiencing this classic RPG all by myself. In fact, I'd like to finally give it a go sooner rather than later. (The question is, should I opt for the SNES original or the DS port that was released a couple of years ago?)

In the meantime, though, I'll have to make due with staring at the awesome Chrono Trigger-inspired poster collection concocted earlier this year by artist Mikaƫl Aguirre (aka Orioto).

The one to the right, "Renaissance," is my favorite of the six Aguirre created, but all of them are pretty darn great, in my humble opinion.

You can see the rest of them, by the way, by heading over to Aguirre's deviantART gallery. Oh, and you can buy either posters or framed prints of each of the pieces at Posters will run you between $16 and $42, while framed prints are $97 to $162.


  1. Justin Difazzio8:04 AM

    Oh man. I've got a major soft spot (or hard on) for Chrono Trigger fan art. This is gorgeous. I'd have a hard time picking between the courtroom scene, which I feel is the most iconic in the game, or the Magus scene, which just gave me all the feels when I was young.

  2. Hey, you didn't give me shit for not playing Chrono Trigger, Justin! I'm surprised :)

    Seriously, though, who doesn't like Chrono Trigger art -- fan-made or otherwise? It's such a beautiful game. The parts I've seen, anyway ;)

  3. Justin Difazzio8:20 AM

    I think I've given you enough shit over the years for not playing Chrono Trigger. You'll get to it one day. least you've seen it played.

  4. True. BTW, have you played the DS port? If so, what do you think of it? I honestly don't know which one to go with at this point (although I believe I'm supposed to stay away from the PS1 port).

  5. michaelstearns9:03 AM

    I'm not hardcore CT enough to really know the differences but my wife played through the DS one--her first JRPG!--and it seemed perfectly recommendable from what I saw of it. For what that's worth, anyway! Especially if you enjoy playing on a hand-held (and I know you do!)

    What does it mean that you've "seen it played?"

  6. Hey there, Michael! Yeah, I'd definitely prefer to play it on a handheld at this point, which I guess means I should pick up the DS version (as I doubt the SNES version is going to show up on the 3DS VC anytime soon--if ever).

    As for what I meant by saying that I've seen it played, well, I literally sat by my brother's side while he played through a good chunk of the game. We used to do that a lot when we were younger--one of us would play, the other would watch.

    Anyway, I'm pretty sure that's the only reason I haven't played this game myself, as watching him made it feel like I'd played it myself, even though I hadn't, you know?

  7. michaelstearns9:46 AM

    Hah! That's exactly what I did too, although I think at some point I did decide to play through once or twice myself (my brother played it many, many times) so even though I only did a couple passes (and using Game+ once I unlocked it). I had probably seen nearly everything by that point but that way I knew I hadn't missed anything (I tended to miss stuff towards the end of the game when my brother way playing).

    You know what I really liked was the 2-player mode in FF6 where you could divvy up the combat decisions for different characters to different players. In our case where only one of us (me!) was good at pulling off Sabin's Blitz Attacks this was extra helpful, but it also made watching more fun!

  8. Oh, it's nice to hear someone else did the same thing. I also watched my brother play through the first Dragon Quest, if I remember correctly. And I watched one of my best friends play through Wind Waker a number of years ago.

    Sadly, I have a feeling both experiences are responsible for me not beating those games myself, but what can you do? At least I got to experience them in some way, right?

  9. michaelstearns11:20 AM

    Yeah, that's certainly a thing! Though I have a tendency to lose interest in games like that anyway, so I can't be sure, but it certainly makes sense to me that if you saw the whole thing, unless watching someone else play it makes you want to play it (instead of making you want to see what happens next) then there isn't really a compelling reason to do it yourself. You can imagine I worry about the long-term effects of youtube! I guess it's up to gamers to be responsible about not spoiling themselves.

    My brother and I played the original DQ (as Dragon Warrior) back in the day but neither of us had the fortitude to get anywhere. Many years later my brother came back to it and beat it, but I think it was more for a sense of accomplishment than anything compelling about the game itself. :) We both lolled when the one-of-a-kind end boss appeared and the combat text, "A Dragon Lord Draws Near!" was exactly the same as every other time. How anti-climactic! ;D (Or ominous--would there be more??)

  10. Oh, yeah, I wonder about YouTube's effect on gamers, too. Of course, if people want to spoil all or parts of gamers for themselves, who am I to judge?

    As for DQ, yep, we played through it as Dragon Warrior, too. And in my case, I actually made it almost all the way through myself and then just as I was able to take on the Dragon Lord I got the flu and stopped playing. While I was sick, my brother picked up my slack and beat the game for me--and I didn't beat it myself until many years later.

    Or was that the first Final Fantasy? Oh my gosh, I actually can't remember! It was one of those two games, though, no question. Man, I guess the ol' noggin's already starting to show its age ;)

  11. Justin Difazzio8:16 AM

    I have only ever played the SNES version on the original cart.

  12. OK, Justin. Thanks for letting me know :)
