Monday, April 28, 2014

Spread the word: #Miiquality

Those of you who read my recent "Open Letter to Nintendo of America" should be well aware of the fact that I'm pretty peeved the company's upcoming--and otherwise completely enticing--3DS title, Tomodachi Life, presumably won't allow players' Miis to form gay, lesbian or bisexual relationships.

I'm not the only gamer upset by all of this, of course. A number of people in this NeoGAF thread about the game, for instance, also have admitted to being disappointed by it--with one of them being someone who goes (there and elsewhere) by the username of Tyeforce.

Tyeforce has done more than just express on an Internet discussion forum his displeasure with Nintendo of America's handling of the situation, though; in the last few days, he's started a movement, basically, that's centered around the theme of "Miiquality."

#Miiquality from Tyeforce on Vimeo.

The gist: if you'd like the brass at Nintendo of America to add same-sex relationships to Tomodachi Life, let them know by using the hashtag #Miiquality while on sites like Facebook and Twitter. (Or, as commenter Rob_in_Baltimore suggested here last week, you also can let them know by contacting them via the company's website or by signing this petition.)

Oh, and don't forget to show your support for (and stay updated on) this issue by following the Miiquality Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr pages--if you're so inclined, of course.

See also: 'The day we've all (or at least three or four of us have) waited for has arrived: Tomodachi Collection is coming to Europe and North America this June'


  1. "Miiquality" is a great term for it. I'll spread the word to my teeny-tiny list of followers.

  2. I'm all for gay rights, but I guess they forget that Nintendo is geared mostly to kids. This will never happen.

  3. Thanks for the comment, Clint, although I'm not sure what Nintendo being "geared mostly to kids" has to do with this, to be completely honest. Are you suggesting anything LGBT is inherently "adult"? Also, what about LGBT children? What kind of message is Nintendo sending to gay kids by not depicting "their lives" -- which is what this game's marketing materials (so far, at least) so thoroughly promotes -- in a game like this?

  4. Thank you so much for continuing to help spread the word! This is a great post! =)

  5. You're very welcome, Tye! And thank YOU for getting this movement started. The Miiquality idea is/was completely brilliant, IMO, and I'm really, really hoping the folks at Nintendo of America (and Europe and Japan) become aware of it and, as a result, do something about this issue!

  6. apricotsushi6:05 PM

    Great post, Bryan. The #Miiquality "movement" is definitely something I can get behind, and Tyeforce did a great job with the video. Very professional!

  7. Yep, I think Tye did a great job, too. Although I fully support people who refuse to buy or otherwise support this game because of its lack of gay relationships, I don't support any sort of widespread boycott of the game. I think people really have to make up their own minds in this case, and decide for themselves what is acceptable and what isn't when it comes to this release. Other than all of that, I do hope this "movement" reaches the ears of at least a few of Nintendo of America's--and Nintendo of Japan's--higher-ups, and as a result the next time they go to make a game like this the resulting product is a lot more inclusive.

  8. Monster_Hunter28826:40 PM

    I'm glad this movement seems to be picking up steam though if does end up having an affect I'm thinking it will more likely affect the sequel (which is probably quite the ways away especially if Nintendo keeps it handheld only) assuming this one is a success and builds up a good sized fan base. I still have some hope that a patch will be made for this one though.

    Also I was watching game play of the DS game and the person playing mentioned that you can have your Miis cross-dress. For the one the west is getting I happy with just being able to make a "female" Mii male but I'm not sure I would feel the same way with the 3rd game.

  9. Yes, the most likely outcome of this movement, it seems, is that Nintendo may decide to include/allow these relationships in the sequel that eventually comes out for the 3DS' successor--assuming someone at one of Nintendo's many "arms" actually pays attention to the movement, of course.

    I guess a patch is possible, too, but I'm not going to hold me breath waiting for it to be released.

    As for the ability to "cross dress" and, in effect, create gay Miis: well, I'll do that if that's all that's possible, but we're not even sure about that at this point.

    Even if it is, though, like you said, I definitely wouldn't find it at all acceptable whenever this game's sequel is released.

  10. Just to let you know, I’ve uploaded the video to YouTube again under a new account for Miiquality, if you’d like to add it to your article in place of the Vimeo video:

    Hopefully it doesn't get taken down this time!

  11. Thanks, Tye! Would you prefer that the YT version of the video were showcased in this post, or doesn't it matter to you? If it doesn't matter to you, I'll stick with the Vimeo one and just let people know via FB and Twitter that a YouTube version's now available.

  12. I figured YouTube might be better just because it's more widely supported and all...but the video has been removed again, so never mind, stick with Vimeo. =/

  13. Sigh. I'm sorry, Tye. I wonder why on earth the folks at YT keep taking it down? :(

  14. Congratulations on your Miiquality campaign making it to the Associated Press, Tye. I was choosing stories for Thursday's entertainment page and there you were.

  15. I agree. Congrats, Tye! And you represent yourself, the campaign and the LGBT community very well, I might add. Bravo :)

  16. I'm not sure how our readership will feel about it, but at least they'll know about it.

  17. I look forward to reading what you have to say about it, Terry!
