Thursday, August 21, 2014

I know next to nothing about Freedom Wars or its mascot, Propa-kun, but I kind of want this adorable sofubi figure anyway

Freedom Wars, for those of you who've never heard of it, is a Vita game that was developed by SCE Japan Studio and released in that part of the world in June. (It'll hit store shelves of one sort or another throughout Europe and North America this October.)

Here's a brief summary of the game pulled from its Wikipedia page: "Set in the distant future at a time when the majority of humankind are imprisoned in penal city-states known as Panopticons that wage war against one another, Freedom Wars involves players cooperating together to fight against enemies and contribute toward their Panopticon."

OK, so that isn't really the most illuminating of synopses. Still, word of mouth related to the game is pretty positive, so it's still occupying a space on my surprisingly lengthy Vita wish list.

Another reason I may pick up a copy of Freedom Wars after I acquire a Vita: its mascot, "Propa-kun," is all kinds of adorable, as evidenced by the sofubi figures based on the character that are now being sold--for just under $37--by folks at (and elsewhere, I'm sure).

Each figure is nearly six inches tall and made out of soft vinyl, in case you're curious. Also, the folks at NCS expect pre-orders to ship sometime in November.


  1. October is going to play hell with my gaming budget. Just for Vita alone there's Freedom Wars, The Walking Dead Season Two, The Wolf Among Us, and Tales of Hearts R. And of course there's Alien Isolation and The Evil Within on PS4... Smash Bros. on 3DS... ugh.

    Whatever I end up buying, I have to finish them before Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire arrive to comandeer my gaming time. lol

  2. This entire fall is going to be pretty nasty for me, Terry, although only two of the games you mention here--Freedom Wars and Smash Bros. 3DS--are among the games I'm even considering picking up, and even then I likely won't buy them until 2015. For me, the next few months (through the end of the year) are going to be all about Theatrhythm FF: Curtain Call, Fantasy Life, Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley, Persona Q and probably a few other 3DS games I'm forgetting at the moment. And then, of course, there are the DS, GameBoy, GBA and PCE games I've got my eye on...

  3. Monster_Hunter28825:22 PM

    If only they gave out video games for trick or treating instead of candy.

  4. That would be amazing, Sam!

  5. TheGameroomBlitz10:39 PM

    I'm always down for cartoon bears. Also, it's worth mentioning that members of the Freedom Wars cast are making a cameo in that other pint of glucose that's keeping the Vita on life support, Soul Sacrifice Delta. I own that game, and it's a fun throwback to the Xbox Classic title Phantom Dust, with the player selecting from a wide assortment of abilities and using them to battle nasty creatures. Depressing as all hell, but entertaining.

  6. I'm guessing the Freedom Wars cast are being added to Soul Sacrifice Delta as DLC, Jess? If so, how did I not know about that until now? Of course, it's not like I pay attention to every piece of Vita news that's published these days...

  7. TheGameroomBlitz9:25 AM

    Yep. Just found out about it myself!

  8. Interesting! I guess that'll be another game to consider once I finally pick up a Vita XD
