Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Square Enix reveals the next Japanese 3DS game it'll surely fail to release in other regions: Theatrhythm Dragon Quest

Can you tell I'm a bit bitter about how the powers that be at Square Enix have treated 3DS owners outside of Japan?

Of course, it's hard not to feel kind of jaded when you consider that the company has localized just a small handful of its Japanese 3DS games--Kingdom Hearts 3D and the two Theatrhythm Final Fantasy titles are the only ones that come to mind at the moment--since Nintendo's most recent dual-screened handheld launched four or so years ago.

All that said, I'm still planning to pre-order a copy of Theatrhythm Dragon Quest well in advance of its Japanese release, which is set for March 26.

That's not yet possible, sadly, so while I wait for some online retailer (I'm looking at you, to allow it, I'll keep refreshing the game's official site until it offers visitors some screenshots or a trailer.


  1. Franggio Hogland10:22 AM


    Yay Dragon Quest!

    Yepp, time to try and separate the man and the work again. :(

  2. I didn't know about Sugiyama's, uh, "history" until yesterday. I wonder if that's part of why he's been less of a factor in the most recent DQ soundtracks?

  3. Franggio Hogland10:45 AM

    Perhaps but I think it's more simple than that.
    Age, he is getting old. Don't think he has in him self :(
    Btw when you say recent you mean DQX? Many Rehashes in that one yes :( Still great, don't get me wrong but not much in the new front from what I gather.

  4. Yes, I didn't realize until just a few minutes ago how old he is. (Also, I just read more about the Nanking Massacre, the "comfort women" associated with this tragedy and Sugiyama's thoughts on the issue--yuck.)

    Also, yes, I was referring mainly to his involvement--or lack of involvement--in producing new tracks for DQX. Didn't DQIX also feature quite a few rehashes, though? I certainly wouldn't know, unfortunately, but I've heard elsewhere that IX also lacked new/unique songs.

  5. Franggio Hogland11:00 AM

    yuck indeed :(

    The only really outstanding new tune from IX was Angelic Land( *Imho*. Not sure about the general consensus on it though. Still, even if the music is rehashed it is good music :)

  6. Oh, yes, I agree that DQ IX's soundtrack is/was great. I haven't (yet) played enough of the earlier DQ games to know which of its tracks are rehashes or not, though :(

  7. Monster_Hunter288212:09 PM

    Yay I can't wait to not be able to play it! *sarcasm*

  8. I sure hope we're wrong, Sam, but I have a feeling we won't be :(

  9. Monster_Hunter28823:26 PM

    I hope, I'm sick of seeing Dragon Quest games not seeing releases outside of Japan. I also hope that the game includes the symphonic suite songs in some way.

  10. Off Topic: Any Dragon Quest games I should check out as a noob? Do they even have non medieval aesthetic DQ games?

  11. I agree on all counts, Sam. I was really hoping we'd get the 3DS remake of DQ VII, especially, but it seems that's never going to happen :| (I would've loved DQ X, too, by the way, but I can kind of understand why that wasn't released outside of Japan.)

  12. Despite the excitement I've showcased in this post, Chief, I'm actually the wrong person to ask, as I've really only played the first Dragon Quest (for NES) and DQ IX (for DS). I own DQ VIII and I'm planning to pick up DQ VII soon, but I've yet to play either game. I will say, though, that I loved IX to death, so it probably isn't a bad place to start if you're open to that. (Also, I believe all DQ games have a rather "medieval" aesthetic. I'm guessing that turns you off?)
