Friday, May 15, 2015

Five reasons I'm glad I finally shelled out a few bucks for the WonderSwan port of Squaresoft's Romancing SaGa

OK, so the “reasons” referred to in the header above are summed up by a handful of cartridge, manual and packaging photos rather than a bunch of words, but you can't have too many of the former, right?

That’s especially true when the art attached and applied to the aforementioned packaging, manual and cart is as gorgeous as it is in the case of this impressive portable port of Squaresoft's oddball Super Famicom RPG.

I mean, just look at the game's box art, for instance, which is showcased in the photo below.

Doesn't it make you choke up a bit? At the very least, it should bring a hint of a smile to your face, what with its vibrant use of color, bold logo and striking character designs.

Admittedly, Romancing SaGa's cart label, seen above, isn't anywhere near as thrilling, but who cares when every other aspect of this release is so spot-on?

Another case in point: the game's instruction manual, which is crammed full of fabulous illustrations like the ones shown in the preceding snapshot.

Another such illustration can be found on the back of Romancing SaGa's box, and it's the best of the bunch, if you ask me. Of course, how could it not be when it depicts one of the game's many party members horsing around with an adorable kitten?

Sadly (but not unexpectedly), I've yet to put this cart through its paces. As soon as I get a WonderSwan Color or a SwanCrystal system, though, you can bet I'll do just that.

And afterward, I'll write up some sort of report about the experience (which will be my first with any of Squaresoft's three 16-bit Romancing SaGa titles)--assuming its heavy use of kanji doesn't reduce me to tears.

See also: additional photos of WonderSwan games and previous WonderSwan-focused posts


  1. Scarritt10:06 AM

    I love the design of the Wonderswan carts. They're so cute. ^_^

  2. Yeah, I like them, too, Scarritt--as well as the little cases that protect them ^^

  3. LoreeJLea3:06 AM

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  4. PhyllisAOliver7:37 AM

    ➭➭➭➭❦$77 /hr on the computer@md21//<-Make A huge profit just doing Simple Tasks....... Last saturday I got a great Alfa Romeo after I been earning $9498 this past four weeks and a little over 10k lass month . with-out a doubt this is the nicest-work Ive ever had . I actually started 4 months ago and pretty much immediately began to make more than $80.. per-hour . find out here now ->

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  5. Justin Difazzio8:18 AM

    A cat! Cute! That's definitely my favorite of the illustrations, too.

  6. Seriously, how can you not like
    (illustrations) of attractive guys playing with adorable kittens? Also, I really
    like the overall look of this series' illustrations, which strongly resembles
    art nouveau, IMO.

  7. Great! I've always wanted to collect WS & games for it. I don't think I'll ever do it because of the hard to find nature of it.

    The logo is very striking.

  8. You’re not the first to mention the “hard to find nature” of
    the WonderSwan and its games, Chief. Do you only buy games locally—at nearby
    brick-and-mortar shops at the like? I ask because the system and its games aren’t
    all that hard to find on eBay. Not that I’m trying to twist your arm to pick up
    a WS and a few carts, mind you. I just haven’t found them all that difficult to
    track down, that’s all!

  9. Rowan Carmichael8:03 PM

    I suggest being emotionally prepared for tears.

  10. Ha! Well, I appreciate the warning, Rowan! Hopefully I'll still be able to stumble through it someday...

  11. Rowan Carmichael8:51 PM

    Hopefully! I imagine games like DQVII on the 3DS with all that lovely furigana to help you out with some of the kanji will give you a nice framework to play Romancing with hopefully. (I say, having never played DQ7)

  12. I source from anywhere I can. I generally like to touch and take in something I'm not familiar with first. The system and games are reasonably priced and I'll dip into it at some point.

  13. The visual pun had me giggling like a school boy.

  14. Yes, there's that, too :P

  15. I can understand that. That said, I can't imagine you're going to find many places outside of Japan (or even within Japan, for that matter) where you can test drive a WS these days!

  16. Speak of the devil! I just bought the 3DS version of VII on eBay--you know, because I've given up on SE bringing it to the States. Like you said, maybe the furigana featured in that game will help me out in other, more kanji-heavy titles...

  17. That is at the root of my reluctance :D

  18. There's actually a small shop close to where I live that tends to have WS systems, but I've yet to ask them if I could try one of them XD

  19. AliceJKuhl3:17 AM

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