Sunday, December 13, 2009

Which systems do you own?

I've been meaning to ask this for a while, but for one reason or another I haven't done so until now. Which systems do all of you own?

I'll get things started. On the console side, I own a Dreamcast, a GameCube, a PS2 (along with quite a few PS1 games) and a Wii, while on the handheld side I own a DS and a GameBoy Advance.

I imagine my next purchase will be a PS3. After that, I'll probably get a DSi or a PSP. I'd love to get an Xbox 360, too, but I don't think that's going to happen for some time.

Anyway, enough about me--which systems do you own and play?


Viewtiful_Justin said...

I've got an NES, SNES, Gameboy (one of the sleeker, newer ones), Game Boy Advance, Nintendo 64, GameCube, DS Lite, Wii, and a PS1.

I'd like to get a PS2 (yes, 2) or an XBox 360.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Wow--you're old school, Justin. I love it!

I can't believe you still have an NES, SNES, etc. I no longer have any systems or games from the 8- or 16-bit eras, but I still love to play games from those eras via Wii's virtual console and other forms of emulation (shhhh, don't tell anyone!).

Anyway, you definitely have to get a PS2 at some point--some *amazing* games have been released for that system.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I know! I'd buy it for Katamari Damacy alone.

And yeah...I've got a recently refurbished NES with over 50 games all cleaned within an inch of their lives. Works like new! My SNES has about 40 games and only works with some TLC and some occasional percussive maintenance. Or just cussing...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, yes, Katamari Damacy (and We <3 Katamari) are great, though there are many other awesome PS2 games, too.

50 NES games and 40 SNES games? I'm amazed--and jealous! What are your favorite games for those systems?

Kevin said...

I have an Gameboy Advance and PS3. I love the PS3. It's so much value.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Kevin--thanks for commenting!

You've certainly got an interesting mix of systems :) Glad you love your PS3--what are you favorite PS3 games?

Viewtiful_Justin said...

As far as the NES is concerned, I love Bubble Bobble, Ninja Gaiden, and Solar Jetman. I mean, I've got the original gold Zelda games, and they're great (well...2 is kind of crappy and I've always sort of hated it, but...), but as far as the not-so-obvious games, those would be some favorites.

With the SNES, it's classic 16-bit RPGs all the way. Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, FF3, Secret of Evermore, Link to the know, the obvious classics. Super Metroid is one of the greatest games ever created, in my opinion, and I'll still play it through in an afternoon without hesitation today.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, I'm with you 100 percent when it comes to 16-bit RPGs. FF II and III, FF: Mystic Quest, Secret of Mana and A Link to the Past are some of my most favorite games. Sadly, I have little experience with Chrono Trigger, though I'm not sure why. I spent a lot of time watching my older brother play it back in the day, but never spent much time with it myself...