Monday, June 21, 2010

It's one thing to play a pitch-perfect rendition of the Super Mario Bros. theme song on the violin ...

... but it's quite another to play the classic Famicom/NES title's sound effects alongside said tune.

Which is why the following YouTube video--featuring professional violinist and music teacher Teppei Okada--blew my mind when I first saw it this morning.



Unknown said...
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Viewtiful_Justin said...

My gosh! That's pretty much the most astounding violin playing EVER. I wonder how that worked...was it a video he was used to playing, or was it someone playing live that he had just gotten used to? Strange and wonderful.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Justin: According to, the violinist says he "can play any piece of video-game music by ear after one listen." So, I'm guessing he's playing live in this clip, though I'm not sure it's after just one listen. Regardless, I agree with you that it's astounding!