For starters, here's a better shot of the game's cover art, which I think is pretty nice--although I have to admit that I find the five-pronged thingamabob in the center of the logo to be ... curious. (I can't be the only one who think it looks like some sort of alien sex toy, can I?)

Sadly, the art that appears on Osawari Tantei Nameko Daihanshoku's cartridge (below) isn't as cool. In fact, I'm not even sure what it's supposed to depict. Anyone have any ideas?
Oh, and here's the little sheet of stickers that come with every copy of Osawari Tantei Nameko Daihanshoku (aka Touch Detective: Funghi's Big Breed). I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do with them, but I like them all the same--the one featuring the burly mushroom especially.
Finally, here's a shot of the back of the game's case. Sorry it's kind of washed out--it's been gloomy here lately and quite a bit of post-processing had to be done on the photo for it to be presentable.

That's about all I can say about this import-only puzzler at the moment, I'm afraid, as I haven't played enough of it to talk about modes and options and such. I'm planning to put it through its paces shortly, though, and once I do I promise I'll do my best to shed some light on the situation here.
See also: 'I can't decide if I should hug my mailman or hit him' and 'Kind of embarrassing admission: Osawari Tantei Nameko Daihanshoku is my most-anticipated 3DS title at the moment'