That said, I imagine many Wii owners--North American and otherwise--are salivating over this Retro Studios-developed platformer, which will hit store shelves in the States on Nov. 21. (It has yet to receive a release date in other territories.)
Those gamers should get quite a kick out of this recently released teaser trailer, which shines the spotlight on one of the series' returning "animal buddies," Rambi.
Pre-order: Donkey Kong Country Returns
I'm more excited for this game than anyone has a right to be. DKC was one of my favorite platformers of all time. I'm so there!
Ah, see, I knew someone would be excited for this one! Well, you'll have to tell me what you think of it after you get your hands on it...
Yeah,and if this screenshot is any indication, I'll have a ton of fun destroying those fry kids!
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