Sunday, June 10, 2012

One last 'dad update'

Don't worry, this isn't my last "dad update" because I have bad news to share; it's (likely) my last one because he's back at home with my mom.

Actually, he's been home for just over a week now, and he's doing remarkably well. He's eating home-cooked meals, getting over his fear of the stairs, taking daily walks with my mom and relaxing on his favorite couch.

His left arm is still weak, but even that seems to be improving all the time.

Most important to me is that I'm seeing more and more glimpses of my dad's old personality. Although I wouldn't go so far as to say my dad's usually gregarious personality left him completely in the wake of the strokes he suffered just over a month ago, it definitely took a bit of a backseat during most of his recovery.

While chatting with him and my mom (via FaceTime) a few days ago, though, I happily and surprisingly saw more of my dad's old personality than I've seen a long time.

So, things are good for my dad, mom and me at the moment. Yes, my dad's recovery will continue for a long time, and I'm he (and my mom and I) will encounter a few more potholes as continues down this road, but I'm feeling more positive than ever that he'll not only reach his destination--as normal a life as possible--but do so sooner rather than later.

Thanks again to all of you who have shared words of encouragement or have sent positive vibes since all of this went down. I've truly appreciated the support, and I'm sure my dad has, too.

See also: Previous posts about my dad


Pix3l said...

Be strong pal! Things will go better, don't worry :]

Viewtiful_Justin said...

GOOD! I love hearing good things about your family. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks, Pix3l! No worries, I'm in good spirits at the moment and staying strong.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thank you, too, Justin. I like sharing good news about my family! Here's hoping the run of good news continues...

Chalgyr said...

Glad to hear turn for the better. With a title like 'last update' - I had to wonder at first, but this is good news. :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, god, I'm sorry I scared some of you with that header. Believe me, if my dad had died or if something else bad had happened to him, I wouldn't have written a post about it. Or at least I wouldn't have done so so soon after it happened. So, sorry about that. Anyway, yes, all is good right now. Here's hoping he continues to get better from here on out.

Sean said...

Hey its great to hear that he is back home and getting back to his old self again. I wish him and you and your family all the best and like everyone else here I`m pulling for him to keep on track!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks, Sean! I really appreciate it :)