I'm also not too fond of the fact that this iOS title will be offered to gamers much like Final Fantasy IV: The After Years was offered to Wii owners--although in the case of Final Fantasy Dimensions, gamers will be able to download the prologue for free and then pay some currently unknown amount for each additional chapter.

Still, I'm a sucker for sprite-based Final Fantasy games that feature robust job systems (side note: Final Fantasy V is my favorite mainline Final Fantasy title), so I'll probably pick this up day one if it's ever thrown onto the 3DS--or even Wii U--eShop.
That said, I'd much prefer to see the folks at Square Enix work up a 3DS version of its other mobile-centic Final Fantasy spin-off, Final Fantasy Brigade, which features an art style similar to the one found in my game of the year thus far, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
I don't think it matters what happens with new FFs, they all just seem to suck now. Square has forgotten what it is like to make a good Final Fantasy game.
Although I tend to agree with you when it comes to mainline Final Fantasy games, I don't agree with you when it comes to FF spin-offs. For instance, I completely loved The 4 Heroes of Light. Also, I've heard great things about Type 0, which sadly seems to be stuck in Japan.
We have the same favourite Final Fantasy <3
It's always great to hear from another fan of FFV, Yéti :)
BTW, how do you feel about The 4 Heroes of Light? Also, are you excited about Bravely Default, which is supposed to have a very FFV-ish job system?
I totally feel you on this one, Bryan. It just lacks... any kind of individuality or style, this HUD. It feels like something you'd seen in an RPG Maker kind of game, or some generic knockoff, not a Final Fantasy.
I'll still give it a shot because I adore all those things you do about FFV, but I'm wary about plunking down any money on it for now.
YES, Kamiwoo, it definitely looks like something cooked up in RPG Maker. Perfect analogy!
Should you ever pick it up, though, please let me know what you think about it, OK? I don't have an iOS device, so I won't be able to check it out anytime soon...
I shall! My iPad is primed and ready! I'm hoping it actually turns out to be good, but I can't help but feel like I'd rather see it on the 3DS eShop instead. Or... honestly, scrap that, just hurry up with Bravely Default!
Yes, Bravely Default had BETTER be announced for North American release soon. If not, I'll ... oh, I don't know what I'll do. Harrumph!
Believe it or not, but I've never been in love with a FF game. I've tried III, IV, V, VI, and XIII but to no avail. I do love Chrono Trigger though. My favorite 3D RPG is Skies of Arcadia.
Nothing wrong with that, Adam! What are the things that rub you the wrong way when it comes to the FF series, if you don't mind me asking? Is it the turn-based battles, the overwrought stories, something else entirely?
BTW, believe it or not, but I've barely played Chrono Trigger -- and the reason is that the time I played it didn't really do it for me. I'm going to go back to it soon, though, and give it another go -- mainly because my first time with it was shortly after it was released (loooooooong ago).
Oh, and how do you feel about the DQ series?
Have you HEARD how much they're charging for it?! $29 for the full game. You'd think they'd at least be able to do proper menus if they're going to charge that kind of money. (can you tell I'm bitter?)
$29?! That's insane. INSANE! I'll try the free prologue, but...after that? Eh...we'll see if it's worth it.
Are you kidding, Anne? $29?!?!?! Like Justin said, that's completely insane. I wonder how many people will wind up paying that much for it?
I agree, Justin. Seems more than a little greedy to me. Of course, what do I know? As a whole, it could be as good an RPG as FFV or FFVI -- although I doubt it. I guess we'll find out soon (assuming anyone plays through it).
I never played Final Fantasy The Four Warriors of Light. The game looks very nice but the system seems to be dull and boring. Bravely Default, on the other hand, is on my wish list. I hope it'll be release in Europe (and the States, of course).
Too bad you didn't liked Chrono Trigger. It's really a masterpiece, exactly the masterpiece everyone told me it was. I was very surprised but maybe the beginning of the game has a slow pacing.
Hello again, Yéti! I really think you should try The 4 Heroes of Light at some point, esp. if you can find a fairly cheap copy of it. I didn't find the system dull or boring at all. In fact, I personally LOVED the battle system. Yes, it has some quirks/issues, but they can be overcome fairly easily.
As for ChronoTrigger: Oh, take my words on that one with a grain of salt, as I really only played a small portion of it. I can't even remember what it was that rubbed me the wrong way! As such, I'm going to go back and play it again soon, I swear. It's one of those games that everyone loves, and considering how much I love Squaresoft's output from that era, I'm guessing I'll end up loving it, too.
I actually never played DQ. I don't know why I never liked FF. It seems I get a decent way in, and then the difficulty just jumps up from moderate to "pow right in your face, and go level up for five more hours and maybe you'll stand a chance".
I'm surprised you've yet to play DQ, Adam. Maybe you should try DQ IX at some point? Although I played the first DQ as a kid, I pretty much ignored the series until IX came out, and I absolutely LOVED that game. So, it's possible you might like it, too. As for FF and grinding: Yes, that was an issue with older FFs especially. Personally, I love that aspect, but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea.
I don't think not liking it makes you a bad fan I think it might actually make you a true fan of the series! lol
Seems like a lot of fan share your sentiment and are kinda let down by this or see it as a cash grab.
Yeah, I hear you, Kaze. I wasn't being too serious with that header, although I am sad that I can't be more excited about a sprite-based FF. Oh, well, what can you do?
As a huge Final Fantasy fan myself I have to agree, it is pretty unnatractive looking, coupling that with having to pay for each chapter (which is a ridiculous way to play a game) and the fact it isn't a main title just gives me zero reason to play it.
I will say one thing about it tempts me and that is the Final Fantasy V job system, gosh if they made a game with the FFV Job System and the FFX sphere grid I would die.
Hey there, Josef! Actually, it not being a mainline game doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that it looks bad ... and lazy. And like you said, you have to pay for each chapter? I hated that with the WiiWare version of FFIV: The After Years, so there's no way I'd do that again with this game.
You're the umpteenth person to mention the FFX sphere grid system in what I can only describe as awe, so I guess I really have to get out there and play FFX sometime soon, eh?
Just to make sure you know I'm not crazy, here's a link to that $29 dollar news ;) http://au.ign.com/articles/2012/08/24/final-fantasy-dimensions-priced-at-29
Ha! Anne, I didn't think you were crazy. I may have thought the folks at SE who decided to charge $29 for this game were crazy, but not you :) Thanks for sharing the link, though, regardless. Anyway, I guess this is one FF spin-off that I'll have to skip :(
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