What I should have said in the headline above is, "The demo of THE 'DENPA' MEN: They Came By Wave has arrived," as the full version of the game won't hit the North American 3DS eShop until next week (on Sept. 27, to be exact).

Sorry, Australian and European 3DS owners: This digital RPG, made by the able folks at Genius Sonority, has yet to receive a release date for your regions, as far as I'm aware.
Anyway, I just downloaded the demo and gave it the ol' college try. My impressions so far: I (surprisingly) like how you catch your 'Denpa men' (who then serve as your party members) using the 3DS' AR functionality, for starters. Also, I find the game's art style completely adorable. Oh, and Dragon Quest-esque battles are fun, too. (Although I wish I had more control over them--unless I'm missing something?)

Have any of you spent a bit of time with THE 'DENPA' MEN demo? If so, what do you think of it? Also, does it make you want to pick up the full game when it's released next week (with a $9.99 price tag attached to it, unfortunately)?
See also: 'I'm totally buying this 3DS eShop game on Sept. 27 despite its rather terrible name'
AWWWWWW!!! ;_______; I really want this game so bad! I hope you enjoy trying it :)
Have fun!
P.S. You really should try "Ghost Trick"! This game is great!
Well, Melody, I'm definitely enjoying the demo so far. It's so charming! Hopefully you'll get to try it soon, too.
Also, does your second comment mean that you went ahead and bought Ghost Trick? If so, I'm jealous! Sounds like you're enjoying it so far?
I need to go try the demo! I actually didn't know it was available, so thanks, haha. I'll let you know what I think when I'm done.
Also, what's this about Ghost Trick? Are we having a Ghost Trick party? I literally just bought a copy of it two days ago
Hey there, Anne! Yes, give the demo a try. I've really liked it so far, although I have to admit it's very short/limited. You basically get to catch some 'Denpa' Men and work your way through one small cave. Also, I really wish you had more control over your party members and I'm hoping I'm just missing something in that regard, but I have a feeling I'll enjoy the full game nonetheless.
As for Ghost Trick: Yes, I guess we are having a party in its honor! Not that I've played it, of course, but I'd like to. Anyway, tell me what you think of it once you've had a chance to play it, OK?
Bryan, as far as not being able to control the fighting, have you tried ignoring the AUTO and SKILLS commands at the top of the battle screen and just moving your cursor down onto each individual Denpa man's stat box and pressing A?
That'll bring up a box that says "fight" or "skill" or whatever.
Hope that clears it up! I found the demo to be way engaging and I'm looking forward to the full release!
Oh, as long as we're recommending games, did you notice that La-Mulana FINALLY made its way to the Wii shop?! I was THRILLED!
Played a little last night. It looks kind of terrible (maybe it's just our TV settings...), but it's as fun as I thought it would be!
Justin: Thank you! I hadn't tried that actually. God, I can be so dumb sometimes :P
I'm finding the demo engaging, too, of course, and I'm also looking forward to the full release!
Oh, and, yes, I did notice La-Mulana finally hit the Wii shop. Not sure I'm going to pick it up, though :( It would mean adding points to my Wii, and I'm not sure I want to do that anymore. Maybe I'll just wait until I get a Wii U to buy it. Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!
Will be interesting to try the demo out when it eventually comes out here......whenever that is!
I couldn't help but think Derpamen, especially when I saw the "live action" pictures of those actors for the promo stuff LOL
Oh, you're not dumb. It's not that intuitive a battle system. I only found it by fuddling around and stumbling upon it.
Hey there, Igor! Yes, Derpamen isn't a bad analogy when that promo trailer is considered :)
Regardless, Justin, thank you for helping me out! I haven't played the demo since Friday, BTW, but I'm definitely going to spend some quality time with it this afternoon/tonight :)
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