Monday, April 01, 2013

And April's 'Bye-Bye, Backlog' selection is ...

... Super Mario Sunshine for the GameCube.

Yep, I'm going to jump back into this "Bye-Bye, Backlog" project that was rather unceremoniously placed on the back burner in March.

I should warn you, though, that it may get pushed to the background again in the future, as I've definitely learned over the last few months that this isn't really the way I like to game.

What I mean is that I prefer to play games without any pressure. I choose games that interest me and then I play them until I'm not longer interested in them--even if that means quitting before I've seen the end credits.

A project like this pushes me to play a specific game as much as possible each week--which, in a way, is a good thing, but which also is a bad thing, as some weeks I just don't feel like playing the game I'd committed to earlier.

All that said, I'm going to give this project my best shot from here on out.

Getting back to this month's selection, Super Mario Sunshine: I have to admit that I'm a bit baffled by the fact that I've yet to play this GameCube platformer.

After all, I have tremendously fond memories of playing through Super Mario 64 as a teen (and again as a college student). Also, I had a similarly heartwarming experience with the Super Mario Galaxy titles that were released for the Wii in 2007 and 2010, respectively.

Of course, I was pretty late to the GameCube party--I only picked up the lunchbox-like system after it had plummeted in price to $99--so maybe my lack of interest in this three-dimensional Mario adventure shouldn't be so surprising after all?

Regardless, I'm looking forward to acquainting myself with this title's uniquely tropical setting (or so I've heard) as well as Mario's oddly named FLUDD device soon.

Have any of you played Super Mario Sunshine at one time or other? If so, what's your opinion of it?


Justin Difazzio said...

You know my opinion about this game. Best. 3D Mario. Ever. said...

Oh, yes, I remember. It'll be interesting to see if I agree.

I have to admit that it's going to take a lot for this game to nudge Super Mario 64 from the top spot (in my mind), but I'm willing to go into this with an open mind :)

michaelstearns said...

I didn't really get into Mario Sunshine! I picked it up late and just didn't find it compelling, which is a thing that I say about a rather huge list of games that many people really like, so I don't really consider that anything against the game, it just wasn't "built" in a way I was going to enjoy it. Full disclosure: I didn't really like Mario 64, either! I recognized it as quality and breakthrough and would certainly have nice things to say about it, but it just wasn't a game I really cared about. Mario Galaxy, on the other hand, hooked me from the moment I saw it (and knowing it came from the same team as DK Jungle Beat immediately grabbed my attention), that slightly more arcade-like quality is what I needed. Mario Sunshine was just too far down the other side of the spectrum for my taste.

(I think Super Mario 3D Land on 3DS is my favorite 3D Mario of all.)

Jyr said...

I love it, very dearly, but I do still get chills when recalling the difficulty spikes. They're the fun sort of chills, and the game's 99.9% fair, but I picked it up expecting something consistent with Galaxy/64 in terms of main-game challenge. Sunshine just came from left-field and floored me.

More specifically, I'll direct you towards the pure-platforming levels, where FLUDD is taken off you. Absolutely devilish in their design. Fantastic, yes, but devilish.

I hope you come out loving it as much as I did. said...

Hey, no need to apologize, Michael--we all like and dislike games for various reasons.

It's interesting that you said you consider SM3L to be your favorite 3D Mario game, BTW. I own the game, and played through a bit of it, but I walked away from it long before I reached the ending. I didn't dislike it, mind you, it's just that it didn't quite hit the right notes for me early on--kind of like what recently happened with Paper Mario: Sticker Star.

That said, I'm planning to go back to it eventually, because I want to give it a good solid try before I decide if it's for me or not.

I really enjoyed both of the Galaxy games, BTW. I don't think I would include either of them on a list of my all-time favorite games, but I still really liked them.

Of course, I don't think I'd include Mario 64 on a list of my all-time favorite games either--although it probably would be more likely to show up in such a place than Super Mario Galaxy.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that it'll be interesting to discover whether I like Sunshine as much as I've liked 64 and Galaxy, or if it will leave me feeling a bit cold like SM3L. said...

Ah, yes, I've heard about these FLUDD-less, pure-platforming levels from many a gamer, Jyr. I'm looking forward to them! Sure, they may cause me to pull out my hair eventually, but maybe that'll be a good thing :)

michaelstearns said...

I'm sure we'll hear all about it. :) said...

Ha ha! Yes, I guess you're right :)

Anyway, you know I'll write about it here. I'm going to try to do so weekly, but we'll see if I can keep that up...

Zaphod65 said...

This is one of my backlog games. I never got around to beating it, but I liked what I played of it before being distracted by something shiny. I'll have to go back to it some day, if only to use the FLUDD as a cool jetpack again. said...

Ah, so I'm not alone. Yay! Of course, you've at least played this one for a bit, Zaphod--I've barely even opened its case! I'll be rectifying that today, though, I think :)

Tom Badguy said...

This has nothing to do with your post, but your project brought up a cool idea. Some friends and I are going to start playing a game at the same time and then discuss it. Kind of like a book club, but with video games. Perhaps something fun to do if you're bored?

Chalgyr said...

I think that's actually a pretty cool idea there, Tom. :)

Chalgyr said...

Neither of you is alone on that front. I've still got my unbeaten copy sitting around too. Though I find myself wondering if that tells us something about the game, when a certain number fail to complete it? lol said...

You may be right, Chalgyr! However, a related question may be: are the three of us folks who tend to quit games before we beat them? If so, the fact that we haven't played or beaten Sunshine may not say much about that game after all :) said...

Oh, yes, I've always liked that idea, Tom. In fact, we've long considered doing it for The Nichiest Podcast Ever, but we've yet to do so :| Hopefully eventually?

Anyway, which game are you and your friends starting with?

Jyr said...

Friendly advice (or stating the obvious):

Bourbon liqueur and red lemonade make a fine remedy for PTSD.

Also, you may just find yourself grateful that Nintendo make such sturdy joypads.

Tom Badguy said...

We're going to start with Xenogears because none of us ever beat it, lol said...

Ha! Thanks for the advice, Jyr. I'll keep it in mind. I have plenty of experience w/ gaming-related PTSD, by the way, so I may not need your concoction :) said...

Ah, great choice! I have to finish my playthrough of the game sooner or later, too. I wonder how many folks started but never finished that one, by the way? I'm guessing it's a pretty high percentage!

Tom Badguy said...

My first play through which was like 5 years ago, I got all the way to the last dungeon but couldn't figure out where to go. I just got pissed and gave up, lol. I'll make sure this doesn't happen this time. said...

You know what? When I first read your comment, I thought you said you were playing XenoBLADE, not Xenogears.

That said, I own a copy of Xenogears, too--although I'm pretty sure I've never even opened it :|

Anyway, here's hoping you're able to make it all the way to the end during this playthrough!

apricotsushi said...

I literally missed out on everything from the GameCube era (save for a little Mario Kart: Double Dash, which was always a favorite at parties) since I never owned one, so I'll be interested to hear what you think of Sunshine! I never understood all the hate... it seems like a really fun concept to me

Lizzi said...

Hey Bryan! Super Mario Sunshine is one of the Mario titles I never had the chance to try out. I've seen gameplay-videos and I know many people who love the game but I can't say anything about the gameplay :(
But it's definitely on top of my to-buy-list.

BTW: have you seen the great news?

Shin Megami Tensei IV seems to come to America!

Oh I hope it makes it's way to Europe!

diaglyph said...

This game made me rage quit LOL

2 missions were the cause: one where you had to clean the beach within the time limit (no matter how many times I did it, I could just never clean the beach in time), the other was chasing that idiot artist guy. Again, no matter how many times I did it (and I knew about using the water to help you move faster) I could never beat him. For me the yellow stick controls bothered me all through the game. I always had problems controlling FLUDD properly (in boss battles I always ended up pointing the thing in the wrong direction - say up, when it was meant to go down). This game also helped to cement my hate of timed game play LOL said...

It's funny that you've actually played a bit of Double Dash, Anne, as I own the game but have never played it!

Also, it took me ages to pick up a GameCube. During college, I pretty much walked away from gaming as a hobby, although my roommates and I did play quite a bit of Mario 64 together. A few years after the GC came out, though, I became aware of Animal Crossing and just had to have it. So, I picked up a copy of the game along w/ a silver GC for $99.

Not sure why I'm sharing that here...

Anyway, I'm also curious as to whether I'll fall into the camp of gamers who love Sunshine or the camp who hate it after finally playing it.

Regardless, you know I'll let you know my thoughts on the subject in a future post (or posts)! said...

I have a feeling a lot of people have missed out on playing Super Mario Sunshine, Lizzi, given how relatively poorly the GC sold.

Oh, and, yes, I definitely saw the great news. I can't believe it'll be released in NA so soon! I'll definitely be picking up a copy :) said...

Well, that's too bad, Igor! I can understand hating timed gameplay, by the way. Not that I completely hate it myself, but I've had problems with it, too, now and then--such as while playing Super Mario Galaxy. Anyway, hopefully I won't feel the need to rage quit this game like you did :)

Alois_Wittwer said...

Super Mario Sunshine is the secret best game of all Mario games. said...

Really? Man, this game definitely inspires a variety of reactions. I've heard people call it the worst Mario, the best Mario ... I wonder which side I'll end up on when all is said and done? :)

Alois_Wittwer said...

It is sunny and summery and reminds me of chlorophyl and fresh grass and cold air. said...

I love it! Really, this comment should have appeared on the front or back of the game's box, I think :)

Justin Difazzio said...

You know, I find that Igor and I have pretty much diametrically opposed reactions to all games. It's sort of hilarious to me. said...

Ha ha! I can see that. Of course, I have a feeling Igor's reactions differ from those of *many* gamers ;) (Just kidding, Igor--kind of!)

diaglyph said...

LOL! Yea I'm a freak I know :p said...

Maybe not, Igor. Just wait until tomorrow's post :)

Johnny said...

The game is gorgeous, especially in 'progressive scan' mode. It plays tight, maybe even a bit harsh, especially when compared to the creamery smooth flexibility of Mario Galaxy. Bottomline, the game is really fun and a lot of hard work! said...

I'll certainly agree with the gorgeous part, Johnny, and the 'hard work' part, too. It's already busting my butt and I'm only a few levels in. Argh! ;)