That's because I'm planning to pick up a ton of 3DS games, both North American and Japanese, within that time frame, such as Bravely Default, Daigasso! Band Bros. P, Game Center CX 3, Hometown Story, Pokemon X/Y and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call--and that doesn't even include possibles/probables like Mario & Luigi: Dream Team and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.

As of yesterday, Puyo Puyo Tetris has been added to that lengthy list despite the fact that I don't know much about it yet. What I do know about it sounds pretty interesting, though--such as that its "Classic" mode allows gamers to choose either Puyo Puyo or Tetris, while its "Swap" mode forces them to switch between the two every few seconds (or is it minutes?).
Take the info above with a grain of salt, by the way. All that's known about the title so far comes from folks on various sites (NeoGAF, among them) who have taken a stab at translating the Japanese text included in these Famitsu magazine scans and found on

Of course, how much do we really need to know about a game like this? It's Puyo Puyo and Tetris--it's going to be awesome regardless of how the folks at Sega toss them together. So, consider me on board--even though I'm not a big fan of the its generically adorable art style. (I much prefer the art style employed in the series' earliest offerings.)
Are any of you also pining for a little Puyo Puyo Tetris action in your lives? If so, which version would you most like to play--the one planned for the 3DS, the PS3 (shown above), the Vita or the Wii U?
I wonder - is this related to - or the same thing as - the tetris game I saw that had monster collection elements?
I could see myself picking that up, maybe for the Vita. I already have my favorite version of Tetris -- the B&W Game Boy version -- on my 3DS, but the Vita needs love.
Yes, the B&W GameBoy version probably is the best version of the game, isn't it? Although I also really, really like Tetris DS.
Anyway, I'm still interested in this one, despite the fact that it's likely to be a lesser game compared to those two predecessors.
Oh, and the Vita version should be great, too, I would suspect...
Oh the next couple of months are going to be tough on my marriage, too! Hahaha. I hadn't heard about this game before you posted this, but it's definitely something I'd pick up! Maybe not right away, but I'm a sucker for anything Puyo Puyo :)
Funny...I've always loved Tetris but found Puyo Puyo to be sort of tedious and hard to manage.
Well, we can console each other early next year, Anne--or something like that :)
Really, though, going through that list kid of scared me. That's a lot of games! And more are being announced all the time. Ahhhh!
And then, of course, there's the PS3 and the Vita and the Wii U to consider. I have no idea which one I'm going to ask for for Christmas, as a result. (First-world problems, I know...)
As for this game: yeah, it looks/sounds great, doesn't it? Can't wait to see some screenshots/videos of the 3DS version...
I hear ya, Justin. Although I like Puyo Puyo, I much prefer Tetris and even Zoo Keeper and its ilk. I've just never been able to fully wrap my brain around Puyo Puyo's rules, I guess, or maybe its strategy? Still, I want this game.
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