That shouldn't come as much of a surprise to those of you who have popped in here for some time, as I've already published a ton of "Year of the GameBoy" posts since I started this series back in the middle of February. In fact, I've published 40 such posts in the ensuing nine or so months, if you can believe it.

In the meantime, I thought some of you might want to check out some of the "Year of the GameBoy" posts that are available right now. My favorites, in case anyone's wondering:
* "The Great Gaymathon Review #66: Painter Momopie"
* "The Great Gaymathon Review #67: Kitchen Panic"
* "I guess you could say I bought Bubble Bobble's GameBoy port because of its box art"
* "Manual Stimulation: Ghostbusters 2"
Another "Year of the GameBoy" post will be published tomorrow, by the way. I wonder which game will serve as its focus?
See also: all of the 'Year of the GameBoy' posts that have been published so far
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