(Don't worry, the exclamation point at the end there is his doing, not mine. Not that I hate exclamation points, mind you.)

After all, I've published just a few posts about his creations over the years--a good number of which have focused (and deservedly so) on his custom-painted Dreamcast consoles and controllers.
Today's post, though, focuses on some of his Nintendo-centric concoctions, with the first being the completely awesome "Dead Wario" mug showcased in the photo above.
Seriously, if I had one of these mugs, I'd never drink out of anything else. Even when I switched from coffee or tea to water or soda or booze.

The "Dead Mario" badges shown in the following photo are pretty great, too, but it's kind of hard for them to compete against the "Dead Wario" mugs, isn't it?
If you'd like even more OSKUNK! goodness, by the way, be sure to check out the custom-painted Super Smash Bros. GameCube controller that can be spied here.
LOVE the tail on that Mario!
Ha ha ha Wario's tattoos. That mug is fantastic!
Great catch, Justin! I didn't even notice that until you brought it up XD
Oh, I didn't see that, Michael! I think my wallet--and marriage--may be in trouble if he does end up putting those mugs up for sale somewhere...
Yikes. I think I saw something like that after I had *too much* to drink.
This is great and so fitting to post it as my favourite dead video game character is back to the living. Manny from Grim Fandango :)
Aw, that's no fun, Jess :(
Oh, sadly I've never played that game, Franggio! It's coming to Vita soon, though, right?
Oh it's already out on Vita/PS4/Steam. I'm playing it on my Vita Well...I have it on my Vita. I love the game but I made the decision to stick it out with the Megadrive games Kimimi suggested first :) DecDecapAttack is soon cleared, same for Chiki Chiki Boys. Alisia Dragoon and Mystic Defender is awaiting after it :)
That is if the games don't get way old school tough on me and my slower reflexes destroys me :D
Oh! Of course I missed that. I've missed a lot lately, I'm sure. Anyway, maybe I'll try the Vita version sometime down the road.
Also, I love that you're playing a bunch of MD games at the moment, Franggio! Such a lovely system, if you ask me ^^
Yepp, I do agree and I have you on my mind as well. If you remember you did say that I could ask you for suggestion for MD, PCE and I think it was MegaCD game suggestions :) But that is for later. Many new games coming out that I'm really interested in as well....and my latest trip netted me 7 Super Famicom games and a GBA one...
Bryan I know you play these beautiful *retro* games, how do you manage? My back log is truly enormous and growing instead of shrinking ( ゚ε゚;)
haha, for reasons unknown it always feels better knowing that someone else shares your *pain* :)
Here's to happy gaming, some are stinkers some are great but a lovely hobby is...I can't rhyme (;^^)
Yes, I agree, Franggio. And happy gaming to you, too! I'm enjoying games more than ever, so surely something is going right with this "hobby," don't you think?
Chiki Chiki Boys isn't terribly tough to beat. Now Alisia Dragoon, that's gonna take some effort.
Yeah I looked at some videos and I knew I was in for a ride :)
Yes, I saw that, too--about Another Episode. Cool! And Oreshika is out in early March!
I've always liked the looks of Chiki Chiki Boys...
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