Specifically, I got an iPhone.
Which means, of course, that I'm in the market for a whole bunch of iOS games and apps.

Have any of you played any iOS games or used any iOS apps that you think I should experience as soon as possible? If so, I'd really appreciate it if you'd name them--and tell me why you like them, if you're willing--in the comments section below.
Just so you know, I've already purchased the following: Drop Wizard, rainblocks and Sunburn!
I spent a few minutes with both Drop Wizard and rainblocks over the weekend, and I found the former game, especially, to be a lot of fun. (I also liked the latter, but I'm not sure it's something I'll return to all that often.)
Heh. I just bought my first smartphone as well, an iPhone 6 Plus, although I had an iPod Touch before that. There's a decent site called slidetoplay.com that has iOS reviews and is decent about letting people know when cool games go on sale.
I don't have a lot of iOS games, but one of my central gaming addictions is Plants vs. Zombies.I never seem to get tired of it, and I play through the campaign once or twice a year.
I also like a little game called Jigsawed, which turns photos in your library into jigsaw puzzles. You can customize number of pieces, if they have to be rotated, etc.
I know you're not playing Animal Crossing New Leaf much anymore, but a neat free app called QR Mydesign lets you turn pics into custom patterns. It's how I made the beefcake posters hanging around my town.
I keep meaning to try Drop Wizard myself! Seems like my kind of game~
Anyway, probably the easiest recommendation to make is Groove Coaster Zero- a free, simple tapping rhythm game that's got a pleasant feel to it, doesn't have any energy meters or anything like that, and has an amazing set of songs provided by ZUNTATA and other artists. The one downside is a lot of the great stuff (including one of my favourites, Invader GIRL! from Space Invaders Extreme 2) is add-on DLC. Also, sometimes the rhythm icons could benefit from standing out better from the background. But it's an easy sell if you like rhythm games!
There's also NANACA+CRASH, the classic run-into-someone-with-a-bike-then-see-how-far-they-fly simulator which is simple but very fun, works like a treat on the iphone, and even has unlockables. This too is free but there's an extra charge if you want to remove adverts.
Try Threes and also Drop7 (there's a free version). They're puzzly-type games you might enjoy. As far as other things? I've enjoyed 10000000, too. It's a match 3, dungeon exploring, upgrading sort of thing. I'll let you know if I remember any more I've enjoyed. Ridiculous Fishing! That's one.
Device 6 is an absolute must. Formatted like an interactive book, it's the best use of everything a phone's interface offers that I've seen to date. Osmos is also beautiful and fun.
Forget-Me-Not is an absolute must. It's similar to Pac-Man, except you're armed with a gun and there are about fifty gazillion different enemy types. The creatures often fight among themselves rather than hunting you down, creating a chaotic ecosystem that's tough to survive.
I can't be much of a swede if not recommending everything from Simogo. The first few games are mostly arcade style and very cute, (Bumpy Road and Beat Sneak Bandit, a puzzly rhythm game) but Year Walk is a one of a kind must have-experience.
I'm gonna have to check these recommendations myself. Here's some from me!
Punch Quest (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee8e84r8y5s) is far and away the iOS game that I've burned the most time on. It's an infinite runner, but it's got two "buttons"--jump is both a jump and and uppercut, and punch is a forward attack that makes you run faster. It's not as complex as Yoshi Touch & Go but it offers surprisingly nuanced and precise control between those two inputs.
Crabitron (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0nFiRgo6W4) is one of my favorite usages of the multi-touch display, you control the crab's pinchers by making pinchers of your own with your fingers, and drag them around the screen grabbing and bunching stuff, and breaking space cars open so you can eat up the adorable humans and aliens inside. The crab itself is a great character, hard not to like him.
I guess Final Freeway 2R (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvc1cdCU0UM) is what we do while waiting for the 3DS port of Outrun. It's not exactly Outrun and there's no drifting (but that's more of an Outrun 2 thing anyway) but these guys really nailed the feel.
I think I heard Monument Valley (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpoW22BiILw) is on Steam now but do I recall that you don't really play PC games anyway? Anyway, it's a great puzzle game that I think you'll love (I sure loved it) and for me, these brainy kinds of games often leave me stumped--although I got stuck from time to time I never had to resort to GameFaqs. There's also an expansion that I haven't tried out.
I also really like Ziggurat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwlTAJxOmx0). It seems like a simplistic shooter but maybe it's actually incredibly complex. The feel of it is really good, the setting and music make it feel like an unending climax to an amazing NES game and once I start playing it I find it difficult to stop. (Along with Punch Quest it's definitely where I've sunk the most time.)
And Tiny Wings (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUnlE4cGgz0) is maybe a little too much of an instant classic? Is it boring to recommend it? You should check it out if you haven't!
I'm playing iOS games since 5 years and here are my top 10
Eliss (Infinity)
Gridrunner & Minotaur Rescue (might be both better played on an iPad)
Out There
Ridiculous Fishing
Plague Inc.
Thanks for the suggestions, Terry. I'll definitely check out some of them!
Yeah, you definitely should check out Drop Wizard. It's completely adorable and combines elements of Bubble Bobble and Snow Bros., really. Plus, there's kind of a strategic element to it.
Also, thanks for your suggestions. Both of them sound FUN, so I'll do my best to give them a shot shortly ^^
I know I've heard of Threes before, Justin--or maybe I should say I've seen it discussed on Twitter and elsewhere. Anyway, it sounds like something I'd like--as do the others you mentioned here. Thank you!
Hmmm, that certainly sounds intriguing! What's the gameplay like--or maybe I should just find out for myself? Anyway, thanks for the suggestions :)
Well, Jess, you know I'm going to be intrigued by something that's called a Pac-Man clone. Plus, I love the name of this recommendation of yours. I guess I'll have to check it out shortly...
Ah, yes, I feel like I've at least heard of all of these, Linnea, but other than their names, I know nothing about them. So, I'll do my best to try them--or at least look up videos of or other information about them in the next few days. Thanks ^^
Oh, all of these look great, Michael. Thank you! I've heard of Monument Valley, but not any of the others. Should I pick up any of them, I'll be sure to let you know--and let you know what I think of them!
Hmmm, it sounds like a couple of these games have received multiple "nominations." You know I like that! Also, thank you for reminding me of Tumbledrop, Bodo. I remember reading about it ages ago--in fact, I'm pretty sure I published a post about it here--but it had fallen off my radar in the meantime. Yay :)
I don't think I know that many Madonna songs... But I'm loving this! Thanks for sharing
I don't play a lot on iOS, but I actually quite enjoy Puzzle and Dragon – it's a match three game with cute monsters you can level up, etc. It's free so maybe worth checking out!
Also, I purchased Dreeps about a week ago – it's touted as an "alarm clock RPG" where you don't actually "do" anything but set an alarm every night and watch your little robot go about his adventure during the day. The pixel art and music is lovely, though, and it's kind of like a funky tamagotchi, so I'm enjoying checking in on it
If you need any suggestions related to Rebel Heart, Justin, just ask, as the 'Super Deluxe' version of the album has 25 tracks! Also, if you need me to list the worthwhile songs on MDNA, I can do that, too :)
That's great to hear, Anne! That said, you're killing me here :) You need to get yourself a copy of The Immaculate Collection, Something to Remember and Ray of Light, at least. I'd recommend Erotica and American Life, too--my personal favorite Madonna albums--but they may be a bit too much Madonna for you right now.
Oh, right, I completely forgot about Puzzle and Dragons, Anne. I may have to give that a go--although, I'm also planning to buy the 3DS version, so maybe I'll wait?
Anyway, I love your description of Dreeps, so I'll definitely give it a try. It kind of sounds like something I'd only spend a small bit of time with overall, though--which probably is a good thing :)
ios gaming sucks. I like iphone, but it seems like the iphone is designed to break so you'll get a new one. and as for games, a lot are hard to control. Not to say I've never played any.. haha.
Happy Jump, Happy Poo Fall, Temple Run, Dumb Ways to Die, Sonic the Hedgehog 4, Miner Disturbance.
Solitaire, Calculator, Notes...
I'm not really fussed about mobile gaming except for the odd example that's perfect for the format (Angry Birds) but one game I've often wanted to try is Apple Bob by Jim Bagley (do you know him?). It's a colourful platformer which looks great fun but the bunghole didn't release it on Android :|
Some good ones to check out: Rymdkapsel, Monument Valley, Two Dots, Lyne (if you want a brain burner), Timberman, Ridiculous Fishing, and Cut the Rope. If you don't mind spending a little more money, there are also quite a few classic and new RPGs from Square Enix (Chaos Rings comes to mind). Also, lots of apps implementing board games
Hmmm, I mean, I'd never want my iPhone to be my primary gaming device, but I'd much rather it play games than not, and the few I've played so far have been quite nice--look good, control well--so I really can't complain too much about iOS gaming myself.
Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I especially like the sound of Happy Poo Fall--I think... :P
I'll check it out, Simon. Thanks! Oh, and even my brief foray into mobile gaming so far suggests it definitely can be fun/worthwhile. I'm guessing you have to stumble across the right games, though!
Thank you, greatslack! I'll check this out this weekend--especially the ones that have received a few "votes" so far.
I'm loving Les Macarons at the moment. Great for the commute to work. It has a spin on match three puzzle game and so cute to boot. <3 :D
Oh, I like the sound of this one, Ernesto! I'll have to try it out :)
I loved "Game Dev Story." You can make your own game company and you work in an office with cute characters. It's easy to pick up and play and I got addicted. The company Kairosoft makes other simulation games too. I also loved "The Sushi Spinnery" and "World Cruise Story."
Ah, yes, I remember reading about this long ago and being really intrigued by it. Thanks for reminding me about it, Bruce--and for pointing out the dev's other games, too!
^It's exactly what it sounds like
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