I don't know. All I know is that I think it's fantastically adorable and that I want one--despite the fact that my life currently is one, big "Hatsune Miku-free zone."

To be honest, though, I have a feeling I'll chicken out on buying one when all is said and done. After all, the darn things are going to cost about $35, if not more, and that's before shipping is included.
Still, it comes with the most precious little sushi-themed screen cleaner (also pictured above), and that alone has to be worth about $10 or $15, right?
Haha, I have similar problems... :D But with all things cute, like wadadon or rilakkuma-themed stuff. The shipping is usually most of the cost for us in Europe. I did buy a super cute, handmade Kirby 3DS XL pouch from Etsy though!
Yeah, you and I definitely are in the same boat, Linnea. I'm weak for all things cute. Oh, well, there could be worse things in life, right?
That's probably not a bad idea for the time being, Franggio. Anyway, I'll do my best to put some time into this sucker soon and then report back here what I think of it.
Thanks <3
I remember coming across this when I started importing PSP games but unfortunately I can't understand Japanese. Maybe one day...
Good luck with it tho!
Yeah, it's going to be interesting, I think--and not necessarily in a good way, Allison XD
Geez, that PSP cost about that much, WITH shipping.
I never totally understood why people would want to collect silly game-related merchandise, rather than the games themselves. Even Amiibos are tough for me to justify... although I will admit to having some interest in the Mega Man figure. (For retail, NOT the looney prices on auction sites.)
Oh, I wouldn't get this to "collect" it, Jess. I'm also not really into that. (Games? Yes. Game-related merch? No.) I'd get this to USE it. That said, it's very unlikely I'll get it or use it, as I don't really need another case for my 3DSes.
As for Amiibos, I think they look cool, but I'll probably never get one. That was true even when it seemed like they would be readily available, but it's especially true now that they've become some sort of crazy collectible :|
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