Unfortunately, it also prompted me to wonder if some of those games, discussed below, will ever see the light of day. Here's hoping they do--and sooner rather than later.

2064: Read Only Memories (Vita)--The Vita port of MidBoss' LGBTQ-friendly cyberpunk adventure game has been a long time coming. After all, the original PC versions came out two years ago, while the PS4 port came out over eight months ago. Sadly, the developer ran into some problems with 2064: Read Only Memories' Vita version late last year and has barely said a word about it since. Considering it's now working on bringing the game to the Switch, I can't say I'm all that confident I'll ever be able to play it on my pink-and-white Vita. At least I now own a Switch. I'd rather add 2064: Read Only Memories to my Vita's home screen, but I'll add it to my Switch's instead if that's my only option.

Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain (Vita)--Admittedly, Nippon Ichi, which developed this dungeon-crawler and published it in Japan last summer, has never suggested a North American localization of Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain might be in the cards. A Western release has long been rumored, though, so I'm including it here anyway. It's possible the powers that be at NIS are waiting for the PS4 port of the game to hit Japanese store shelves in just a few days to reveal their overseas plans for Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain. Even if that's true, though, it's possible they'll give us just the PS4 version. I'll choose to stay positive and hope both it and the original Vita cartridge earn a trip to our shores.

Picontier (3DS and Switch)--Of all the games mentioned here, Picontier is the one I've been waiting for the longest. I'd also say it's the one I'm most keen on playing. Why? Because it's a portable life sim that sports some wonderful sprite-based graphics. Also, I've thoroughly enjoyed a number of the digital titles publisher Circle Entertainment has brought to the 3DS eShop so far--Witch & Hero and Witch & Hero II, in particular--and this one looks similarly worthwhile. The question is: when will it finally find its way onto my 3DS (or my newly acquired Switch, I guess)? A demo popped up at Tokyo Game Show 2017, which could mean the full game is just weeks away. Or it could mean fans like me have to wait a good while longer. Fingers crossed it's the former.

Stardew Valley (Switch)--Although I've never put more than a few minutes into a "real" Harvest Moon game (The Lost Valley doesn't count), I've long been intrigued by Yasuhiro Wada's decades-old series. By most accounts, this copycat is nearly as good as, and possibly better than, anything Wada and company have put out over the years. Whether or not that's the case, I'd really like to give Stardew Valley a try. It seems to be a perfect fit for the portable Switch, so that's the version I'll pick up whenever it ventures onto that console's eShop.

VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action (Vita)--Like 2064: Read Only Memories, I've been waiting for VA-11 HALL-A's Vita port to drop for ages. Unlike 2064: Read Only Memories, I know this Vita port is either finished or nearly finished, as its physical Japanese release is set for mid-November. That suggests VA-11 HALL-A for Vita's North American release is imminent. The only problem with that: I'm not interested in buying a digital copy of this game. Instead, I want a boxed copy, which means I have to wait for Limited Run Games to do its thing. Oh, well, I've waited this long, what's another month or two, right?

BONUS ROUND: Tasukete Tako-san (Switch)--I've been slobbering over this GameBoy-inspired "platform RPG" since it was announced way back when as a Wii U title. Well, I'm even more interested in it now that developer Christophe Galati has moved the game, which Nicalis is publishing here as Save Me, Mr. Tako, to the Switch. Thankfully, Tako-san's supposedly still on track for a late-2017 release. In the meantime, I'll re-watch its most recent trailer whenever I feel antsy.
Are there any long-awaited games you wish would be released already? If so, let's chat about them in the comments section of this post.
See also: 'the best 3DS eShop games you've never played'
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