Monday, December 21, 2009

Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth remix (aka Christopher Belmont is a dancing queen)

If you haven't yet checked out the official U.S. trailer for Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth, do yourself a favor and check it out now:

The choice of music is interesting, don't you think? Maybe the folks at Konami are trying to give us a hint as to how (and where) Christoper Belmont likes to spend his time when he's not hunting Dracula...


Viewtiful_Justin said...

Week by week, any news of this game makes me increasingly irate.

Where the hell is it?!

And Nintendo Week (charming and hilarious; I love Gary and Allison) said that Pilotwings is out on the VC, but it's not.

Stinking teases.

Bryan Ochalla said...

I have a feeling it'll be out in the next few weeks, Justin. Or, at least that's what I'm hoping...

The lack of Pilotwings is much more painful for me, though. Where is this game, NOA? Also, where is a sequel for Wii??

Viewtiful_Justin said...

A-freaking-men to that one!