Anyway, back to the adorable Mega Man plush above: It was made by Michele Legendre (aka deadly_sweet on Flickr and misscoffee on deviantART) for an upcoming gaming-themed show at Santa Monica, Calif.-based Gallery 1988.
Somewhat-silly aside to the creative folks at Capcom: Please use Legendre's plush as inspiration for your next side-scrolling Mega Man game. (Think Kirby's Epic Yarn
I'd play a Mega Man game in that style.
Really, more games should be made in such a style, IMO. A top-down, old-school Zelda made with fabric and yarn -- or out of paper, a la Paper Mario -- would completely rock my world, for instance :)
That fireball is adorably epic.
Isn't it, Justin? Also, his little mouth -- with just three teeth and a worm-like tongue -- is so cute I could barf.
Seriously, someone *has* to commission this woman to work on the next Mega Man game!
That is awesome and I agree it would be hilarious (and amazing) to see a video game with these in it.
Love the use of that fluffy thing to indicate the....whatever it is that Mega Man is shooting out of his gun thing there.
Ha! I love your use of technical language to describe the, er, thing that was used to represent one of Mega Man's, uh, bullets (?). Actually, I don't know what the hell it is either. Some kind of puff ball??
Yes, I believe that "puff ball" is the correct technical term.
We'll just go with that, right, Sean? Ha!
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