You may remember how I mentioned in this recent post that I've already "beaten" Kirby's Return to Dream Land. I've hardly experienced all it has to offer, though, as I haven't found each and every "Energy Sphere" (this game's take on the star coins that populate the New Super Mario Bros. series) and I've barely spent any time in its "extra mode."
Still, I've played enough of this rather precious Wii platformer to know that I completely love the stuffing out of it--with the five following aspects being chiefly responsible for said love:
1. The graphics--I know some people have complained about the graphics in this game. Specifcally, they've called them "GameCube graphics." Those people are stupid. Even if these were GameCube-level graphics, they'd be wonderful ones, in my opinion, and as such gamers certainly shouldn't complain about them. Well, unless they're stupid.
2. The locales--Honestly, the settings in this game are the best I've experienced in a Wii platformer thus far. They're all bright and colorful, as I suppose should be expected of a Kirby game, but what I didn't expect was all of the little (and sometimes big) details. The background on one late-in-the-game level--which finds Kirby strolling through a cloud-based stage while a neighboring planet spins in the distance--especially blew me away.
3. The abilities--In particular, I'm completely obsessed with the stone one. It is unfathomably fun to jump into the air and turn Kirby into a statue, or a stone fist, or a boulder that then squashes an unsuspecting enemy. (Sliding down a hill and bowling over baddies is a blast, too.) Yeah, I'm evil like that. Also mighty impressive: All of the super abilities that are made available to Kirby throughout the game--each of which are more enjoyable than they have any right to be.
4. The bomb-spitting item--Is it wrong that I gasp and then giggle like a school girl every time the item seen in the screenshot above (sorry, I have no idea what its official name is) presents itself to me? Well, if it is, I don't want to be right, because this little doohickey provides some of the most fun--and most destruction--in the game. In fact, it's so great that I think there should be an option (post-game, most likely) that allows you to run through each and every level holding one of these suckers.
5. The mini-games--I don't know which one I like better: Ninja Dojo or Scope Shot. I'm going to go with the latter--which reminds me of the boss stages in Ganbare Goemon 2 for the Super Famicom--for now, but I'm sure I'll change my mind sooner rather than later, as both of the unlockable mini-games in Kirby's Return to Dream Land are practically worth the price of admission themselves.
Don't take my failure to include the game's soundtrack on this list as some sort of indication that I'm displeased with it, by the way. On the contrary, I think it's splendid. It just doesn't trip my trigger as much as the things mentioned above, that's all.
See also: Previous Kirby's Return to Dream Land posts
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
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Now I want it more than ever. Kirby Mass Attack is a little bit brutal! Like...I'm not even through the first world and I'm having issues keeping it together...
If you like traditional Kirby platformers, Justin, you'll love this one. It's so good that it is the reason I finally checked out Kirby's Adventure and a few other Kirby games.
As for Kirby Mass Attack: I hadn't heard it was so difficult! Is it frustratingly so? I hope not :\
Not really frustrating...just hard to keep track of 10 Kirbys with a semi-imprecise control method. It's good that the game is fairly forgiving as far as restoring your lost Kirbys goes. Otherwise it could get really frustrating.
Ah, well, that's good to hear. I definitely plan on getting Kirby Mass Attack, so I'd hate to hear that it's pull-your-hair-out frustrating.
Did you ever get Professor Layton and the Last Specter, by the way?
Ha ha, I had to laugh at point one, don't hold back now.
Just added your Wii friend code. Mine is 8703 6940 9569 5391 if you want it.
Ah, I was going to ask about that, dste. I'll add you later (after work), promise!
As for my snarky point one: Sorry, couldn't help myself. I just get sick of people complaining about so-called "GameCube-level graphics" on the Wii :P
I just get sick of people complaining about graphics and passing on playing great games because 'it's not in HD, 1080p, RGB, Scart' blah blah blah.
Obviously graphics are a massive part of the game but to not play something because it doesn't look as nice as Call of Duty on PS3 through whatever cable is just madness in my book.
And breathe.... :-)
I hear ya, dste. I'm especially tired of folks who shrug off all DS and/or Wii games as bad, for instance.
Personally, I prefer games to show a bit of artistic flair -- Katamari Damacy is a good example, as is Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light -- rather than shoot for photorealism, but that's just me.
Regarding people who slag off DS and especially Wii games because they are on the Wii... I'll just walk away from this conversation now before I have a massive rant. ;-)
In all honesty graphics don't really bother me, as long as the game is enjoyable and playable then I'm happy. Unless someone comes out with graphics like Superman 64.
It's not like graphics can actually get worse or go back to the days of the Atari 2600 or Spectrum etc.
I agree with you, dste. Yes, some games have graphics so atrocious that they're unplayable, but they're very much the exception rather than the rule on any system and in any gaming "era," at least in my experience.
Oh, yeah! I beat the hell out of that game. It was awesome!
Oh, how did I not know this? Anyway, glad you liked it. I'll be getting it soon. Finally!
It's awesome. London Life is a fun diversion, but I found myself drawn to the main game even more, which I didn't expect.
Oh, I can't wait until I get the chance to play this! Adorable!
Ah, well, that's good to hear, Justin! (About the main game being compelling.) You know me, though; I'm going to have to jump into London Life right away.
Linnea: Yes, get it as soon as you're able. It's really good!
Man I wanna try this game. Shame for me.
Is it not yet out in your region, Motherplayer, or do you not have the money to buy it at the moment?
I can not wait to play!
Well, then, Marco, what are you waiting for? Go get a copy of this game! :)
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