I mean, Super Mario All-Stars: Limited Edition was nice enough--as far as "ROM dumps" go--but I barely spent any time with it. Would I similarly ignore the not-all-that-different Kirby's Dream Collection, despite my new-found love for the Kirby series? Both my heart and head suggested I would--although it's hard to know that for sure without knowing this upcoming release's contents.

Fast-forward to a few days ago, when I read (here) that Kirby's Dream Collection would include the six "mainline" Kirby games that were released for the GameBoy, Famicom, Super Famicom and Nintendo 64, as well as a "More Challenge Stage" mode that I don't quite understand at the moment.
Has that news caused me to change my mind about picking up this Wii compilation? Actually, it has--although obviously it helps that I've only played one of the collection's six games thus far (that being Kirby's Adventure).

Also responsible for my change of heart: Unlike the games featured on the aforementioned Super Mario All-Stars: Limited Edition, the ones included on Kirby's Dream Collection will feature adorable--rather than black--borders (like the ones seen in the screenshots above).
Finally, I find the packaging that's being prepped for this particular title--see it here--to be beyond adorable (and we all know I'm a total sucker for anything adorable).
Now all that needs to happen is for the folks at Amazon to allow me to pre-order the darn thing.
Wow, that collection sounds pretty good! I think you've inspired me to dig out Kirby Super Star, at least so I can play the "Quick Draw" minigame again (although I'm sure my reflexes have deteriorated quite a bit since last time I played it!)
VGJUNK: Yeah, the collection sounds pretty good to me, too. Sure, it could have included a few more games (such as some of the GB and SF/SNES spin-offs), but I'm OK with what's there, too. I'm especially happy that none of the included games are remakes -- just straight-up ports of the originals (with snazzy borders).
I got the Mario "collection" so I'm sure I'll get this one. At least this time around I don't have half of the games and one of the ones I have is on DS so I can't play co-op with my brother (Barring the Spring Breeze portion). My real problem with this set is it would cost about the same price to get these games on the Virtual Console (Although I don't think Dream Land 2 is out yet), and with that one caveat of Super Star co-op I'd rather play all of these on my 3DS (Some of which are available on it).
Also, we need to yell at Nintendo and Square-Enix to give us that Dragon Quest collection.
Cutest. Packaging. Ever.
chaosyoshimage: Yeah, the price of this one isn't likely to be a whole lot less than buying all of the games separately via the eShop. Still, I prefer to own physical copies of most of the games I buy, so I'm OK with that in this case.
As for wanting the Dragon Quest Wii collection: I agree! Who knows, maybe it'll come out in advance of DQX's US release? Yeah, I doubt it, too, but you never know...
Justin: Yes! Hopefully NOA won't screw it up by making all of the Kirbies frown :|
Well, you've played the best game in the series Bryan (and one of the best games ever made, too)!
I love Kirby.
They will. It'll end up being Angriest. Package. EVAAAAAARRRRRRR!
Alois: You consider Kirby's Adventure to be the best in the series? That kind of surprises me, and kind of doesn't. I say the former because I think it's a great, great game, and the latter because it seems a lot of people consider Super Star to be the best of the bunch. I'm very much looking forward to playing that one, BTW!
Justin: No! You're going to jinx it! Oh, who am I kidding? It's going to be angry Kirbies all around :(
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