What more do I have to say about it, you ask? Well, how about this: I wasn't planning on picking up a "misty pink" Japanese 3DS until sometime later this year. Until I came across an auction for the one you see in the photos below.
As for what prompted me to place a bid on said auction: I can't remember what the starting bid was, but it was quite a bit less than what Japanese 3DSes tend to sell for in the States.
What I do remember is what I ended up paying for it--a smidge less than $150. Even after shipping was factored in I paid less than I would have for a North American version of the same system.

I know, I don't know what prompted the folks at PlayAsia to offer up such a deal either, but I gladly took advantage of it.
Sadly, all I've done with it so far is downloaded a bunch of Japanese demos. I'm planning to buy a few Japan-only eShop games in the coming weeks, though, so once I do that I'll write about them here.
I'm also hoping to purchase my first Japanese 3DS retail game sooner rather that later. I haven't yet done so because I'm still unsure as to which one I want.
Taiko no Tatsujin: Chibi Dragon to Fushigina Orb is the frontrunner right now, although Osawari Tantei Nameko Daihanshoku (a puzzler based on the characters of the Touch Detective series) and even Zoo Keeper 3D are distinct possibilities, too.
See also: '12 import games I bought in 2012 but didn't tell you about until now'
Oh wow! Everyone has a japanese 3DS except me huh?
When it comes to japanese import games I would take:
-Taiko no Tatsujin
-Osu! Tatakae! Ouedan!
-Osu! Tatakae! Ouedan! 2
-Code of Princess (if it wont be released in europe)
-Hatsune Miku and Future Stars: Project Mirai
-Project X Zone
-Fantasy Life (if it wont be released in europe)
-Love Plus
-Shin Megami Tensei 4 (if it wont be released in eu)
-Soul Hackers
-Beyond the Labyrinth
and many more :)
If you do get Osawari Tantei Nameko Daihanshoku, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. I'm big into Touch Detective :3
Waitwaitwait...I thought it was pink and white. Hm.
The 3DS XL is white on the inside.
The upper screen of the 3DS is always black :(
I'm giving it serious consideration at the moment, Triseratops, so don't be too shocked if I end up buying it.
Have you played both Touch Detective games, BTW? I've been eyeing the first one for ages, but have yet to jump in...
Justin: You're going to think I'm nuts, but the pink 3DS I'm talking about here is different from the pink-and-white 3DS XL I talked about before the holidays. In other words, I recently bought TWO pink 3DSes (one is an 'OG" Japanese one, the other is a North American XL) in the last few months--which brings me to a grand total of three 3DSes :|
Yes, I think you've got it, Lizzi. The one I'm talking about here is an original/regular 3DS, so the outside is pink and the inside top screen is black. The 3DS XL I talked about in a previous post is pink on the outside and white on the inside.
Hey there, Lizzi! That's a nice list, and I agree with most of your picks. I really hope Fantasy Life, especially, makes it out of Japan, by the way, as I can't imagine I'll buy it if it doesn't. I mean, what would be the point if I can't understand anything that's going on?
BTW, did you see the tweet I sent you last night? I've watched about half of the Animal Crossing movie so far, and I'm really liking it. Very cute :3
Hello again, Justin! Here's a link to the North American pink-and-white 3DS XL I bought, in case you want to see it again: http://www.thegaygamer.com/2012/11/happy-birthday-to-me.html
Yes, Fantasy Life is one of my favourites too.
I'm really happy you like the AC movie! :D
Yup I know :3
I got a 3DS (Zelda) AND a 3DS XL (Pikachu) myself, remember? :D
It's surprisingly well done, I think. Aimed primarily at kids, of course, but still enjoyable by us adults, too :)
Oh, yes, I remember. I was saying it more for Justin :)
I just love how they integrated so many characters known from the games. :3
Yes! I've seen quite a few so far, although I'm also surprised by how few I've actually had in my AC towns thus far (like Apollo and Sally).
Third time trying this post; let's see if Disqus still hates me...
I've been wanting to get a Pikachu 3DS LL for quite a while, but it seems like a lot of the sellers want to open it up and take out the battery, citing Japan Post's restrictions on transporting Lithium ion batteries. Putting in a new battery isn't much of an issue, but it bugs me to have someone else opening up my item that's been labeled as "New." (Gamestop, I'm looking at you...)
As for games, I'm wanting to get a Japanese 3DS so that I can play Bravely Default: Flying Fairy and Project X Zone. Square Enix's silence on the fate of Bravely Default is particularly harrowing, as I fear it's going to go the way of Type-0, a game I imported after losing any hope of it coming to America.
Are you trying to comment via a smartphone, Espiga? If so, that may be why you're having problems.
If not, I had some problems earlier, too, so maybe something's just up with Disqus this evening?
As for importing a 3DS XL from Japan: Yeah, I ran into the battery problem when I contemplated buying one of the Animal Crossing XLs. I'm not sure why some sellers seem to be sticklers for staying within the rules (law?) while others don't mind shipping the systems as-is, but what can you do?
I wouldn't be *too* bothered by someone opening your system before it's shipped to you, BTW. Based on what I've been told, current Japanese systems aren't shipped/sold in sealed condition, so it's not as big of a deal as it is here in the States.
Also, I share your fears about Bravely Default. I know it's going to take some time to localize it, if that is what the folks at SE are doing, of course, but even then it would be nice to hear that it'll be released here eventually. I'd like to say I'll import the Japanese version if it's not brought here, but I'm not sure that's really the case, as I know I'll have to stumble through it without knowing Japanese.
Do you know Japanese, by the way? If not, were you able to enjoy Type-0 anyway? I'd love to import it, but I'm just not sure it's a good idea for the reason I mentioned above.
I gave up on trying to use my phone to comment when we had that problem in the other thread, so maybe Disqus was just undergoing maintenance or something.
Even if a console isn't sealed with tape or something, the fact remains that someone has opened it and moved stuff around, and therefore, it's not "new" anymore. I'm probably just OCD about it, but it still bothers me, haha.
I know Japanese, and Type-0 is definitely a game that requires knowledge of the language in order to enjoy well. Each character has different abilities and fighting styles, and being able to read the ability names/descriptions is a must for planning out a strategic route for the character (though I suppose it'd be possible, albeit absurdly difficult, to just stumble your way through). There's also a fleshed out history that's written in the in-game glossary that'll never come across to someone who isn't at least fairly well-versed in Japanese. Likewise, there's some RTS-style battles in the game where you have to direct the flow of soldiers and meet certain objectives. I'd imagine those would be practically impossible if you don't know what you're supposed to be doing.
Oh, I understand being a bit OCD about wanting your new system to actually be new/unopened. I was just trying to make it a bit easier on you :)
As for needing to know Japanese to understand/enjoy/appreciate Type-0: I thought as much :|
Guess I'll never get to experience it then--unless SE decides to release some sort 3DS port of it and also decides to localize it...
Oh! Good Lord! That's a lot of systems!
I know, I know :|
Play it already! It's not that long, easily finishable in an evening or two... :) Both games are awesomely quirky and cute. I'm pretty sure you'd love them. 8).
Thanks for the input, miruki! I have a feeling I'll pick up the first one soon, as it's pretty cheap these days. If I like it, I'll probably pick up the second one, too :) I'll be sure to let you know either way, though, OK?
I'd be very much interested in your opinion on it/them! I played both of them two times, the second time wasn't too long ago and when I think about it, I wouldn't mind going back to them again in a few years. But then again... I really do love point & click adventures A LOT. :>
Ah, that's good to hear! Are you at all interested in this puzzle spin-off, BTW? One of the main reasons I was attracted to it in the first place is that it uses that same great art style that's used in the original games.
Yes, I am. I hope it will be released in Europe as an e-shop dl at some point. Match-3 games are somewhat of a guilty pleasure of mine. One I can heavily recommend is Legend of Fae, which is adorable, has great mechanics and is currently on sale on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/109200/
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes was great too. I played it on the DS and got the PC version on the Steam sale as well, since it's a little easier on the eyes with the high resolution and all.. so, if you ever feel the urge for some great Match-3 RPG action, these two games are the ones you want to go to (and Puzzle Quest, of course, but everyone knows that by now.. XD)
Yeah, seeing this released outside of Japan would be nice. I'm not feeling entirely positive about that, to be honest, but I hope I'm wrong. It's got to help that the Touch Detective games were released in other countries, right?
As for Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes: I've had my eye on the DS version for ages. No idea why I haven't picked it up yet. I've also considered getting the XBLA version, as, like you said, that one looks really nice. We'll see. Hopefully I'll pick up one of them soon-ish.
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