Well, that same Zaphod65 has been posting silly, and even a bit saucy, Animal Crossing: New Leaf-inspired comics via Twitter for the last week or so, and as of Friday he's publishing them via a tumblog as well.
Here's an example of one that's both silly and saucy (in my humble opinion, of course):

To see more of Zaphod65's "The Dunwich Hoarder" comics (he's published nine as of yesterday), check out dunwichhoarder.tumblr.com at your earliest convenience.
And if your Animal Crossing: New Leaf itch hasn't been scratched after you finish perusing the above-linked tumblog, scroll through this recent blog post--devoted to my own playthrough of this uber-addicting 3DS title.
HA! That's amazing. There's a lot of conversation in the game that is a little bit...questionable.
That whole Sahara exchange is so wrong. "Here's $3000. Come to my house with me."
Ha ha! I never thought about the Sahara exchange that way before now, Justin. Thanks for corrupting me! ;)
There's a lot of dialogue like that. I thought the thing with Walt was a one-time deal, but every time I speak to him it's a source of comedy for the corrupt mind.
Thanks for the write-up. :)
Yes, you're definitely right that the crew that localized the English versions of these games have included a lot of 'saucy' dialogue in them. I love it!
Also, you're very welcome, Terry :) Keep up the good work!
I saw that when you posted it on Twitter. Very funny.
Thanks, Phillip! I'm surprised more of this kind of thing hasn't popped up, to tell you the truth!
I still haven't bought the game yet but I've still managed to get enjoyment out of it thanks to the screencap function.
Ha ha! I can only imagine :) Are you planning to get it, by the way? It is such a fun game, I can assure you--well, if you consider Animal Crossing fun, I mean...
Yes, I've played all 3 of the previous entries and enjoyed each one (but I didn't play a lot of City Folk). I've also watched the movie subbed and liked that. AC:NL is probably the game I'm most excited for this year.The main reasons I haven't bought it yet is because my internet connection has been acting up a lot lately and I've been a little busy this past month. I should be able to get it soon though.
Oh, that's great to hear--both that you've played (and enjoyed) previous Animal Crossing games and that you're planning to get this one.
I say that because I'm absolutely LOVING this one.
Granted, the only one I haven't liked much is the DS version, but to me this one blows both the DS and Wii ones out of the water.
It probably blows the first one out of the water, too, but that one will always have a spot in my heart so I can't say that definitively at the moment :)
I had no worries at all that it would be a great game. 1 of the things I love about Nintendo is that you can always count on them to keep up the high Quality of most of the big series most of the time. I also learned that the new system update allows players to back up save data of digital versions so I'm definitely getting this as download the second I can.
Well, when you get it you'll have to let me know so we can eventually visit each others' towns. Not that I've been particularly good at that so far--I've only visited two towns so far, as I'm more focused on getting my town up and running and stuff like that :)
Grass deterioration has made a return from City Folk and it's such bullshit. Realllllly knocked down my enjoyment of New Leaf.
Can't say this is my favourite one in the series now. I was almost ready to, as well! Animal Crossing GCN remains the high point for me.
Well, that's too bad! Still, I don't think it's going to take away from my enjoyment of the game, Alois--at least not too much. Also, as much as I love the GCN original, this one beats it easily in terms of ease of use--which is a big feather to have in its cap, if you ask me!
Grass deterioration has serious impacts for the game, though. Some bugs are uncatchable if you wear it down too much and you won't be able to roll snowballs during winter :(
Have you experienced this firsthand in New Leaf, or are you just going by what happened in City Folk?
I ask because everything I've read about NL so far suggests that while it still (sadly) exists in this game, it's far better than it was in City Folk. (As in, it takes longer to deteriorate and it comes back more quickly.)
Anyway, I guess the good-ish news is that it can be mitigated to an extent--by not running, by making paths, by planting flowers, etc.
I don't like paths :(
I don't either, and I've yet to make them in any AC game I've played, but I'm strongly considering making some in this game...
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