Yes, I'm currently a bit obsessed Nintendo's first handheld. Actually, I've been obsessed with it for a few months now--ever since I became aware of and wrote about import-only curiosities like Noobow and Peetan.

Reading about and eventually playing those titles prompted me to do some digging to find a few similarly overlooked (by myself, if not by others) "gems," three of which can be seen in the photo above.
Although the GameBoy port of Snow Bros. Jr. (above, upper left) is well worth checking out, especially if you're into single screen platformers like Bubble Bobble, the games I want to focus on in this particular post are Painter Momopie (upper right), Penguin Land (lower right) and Osawagase! Penguin Boy (lower left).
Painter Momopie's probably my favorite of the bunch right now. Why? Because it stars an adorable little witch, for starters. Also, it's a surprisingly appealing Pac-Man clone--which tasks the aforementioned witch with racing through a home (hers? I'm not sure...) and painting (I think) its floors while avoiding various baddies. Sure, it gets a little repetitive after a while, but the same can be said for the iconic Pac-Man, so I'm not going to be too harsh on that aspect of it. My only real qualm: that its developers never released an updated version for the GameBoy Color.
As for Penguin Land: well, it's actually a port of Sega's Doki Doki Penguin Land, an odd little game that brings together the platformer and puzzler genres in a really unique (and fun) way. (Play revolves around guiding an egg to the bottom of each level by moving or destroying blocks that are in the way.) The Master System and Mega Drive versions of this title look better than this Pony Canyon-made one, of course, but I still wouldn't say the latter is at all unattractive. Plus, as is often the case with old games like this, there's far more to Penguin Land than its outward appearance.
Finally, there's Osawagase! Penguin Boy, released in North America as Amazing Penguin. I'm not exactly sure how this one escaped my attention for so long, although I think its rather terrible box art may have played a role. Thankfully, I first discovered Penguin Boy via a review of its gameplay, so the crappy cover didn't keep me from giving it a try once I became aware of it (the game, not the cover art). As for its gameplay: it's basically a mash-up of Pac-Man, Pengo and Qix, if that makes any sense. If not ... uh, watch the video above, which explains things pretty well.
See also: 'From the back of my boyhood closet, part seven'
Despite my obsessions with Pokemon X/Y and Animal Crossing, I was thrilled to see the old Game Boy game "Pinball: Revenge of the Gator" show up on the 3DS Virtual Console. It was always one of my favorite black-and-white time wasters back in the day. I've been playing it a lot since I dowloaded it last week.
Amazing Penguin especially looks pretty fun!
I can't help but notice all of these videos are Let's Plays. I've heard others (and made the complaint myself) that it's often hard to find video of games online that doesn't have somebody talking over them, was that the case here? I mean even the Penguin Land clip, which does seem to be at least interested in saying "hey here's how the game works" with the pop ups has voice samples from another game added, for the "lulz" I suppose? For good or bad this is the state of things!
Ah, you know what's funny about that, Terry? I've long been aware of that game, but I've never played it! Also, copies of the Japanese version have been popping up around me as of late (due to my rather regular trips to eBay to find copies of some of the 'gems' I eluded to in the post above). Anyway, maybe I'll have to give Revenge of the Gator a try someday...
You're right, Michael--it can be tough to find basic gameplay videos of games like the ones discussed here. I actually found at least one or two for a few of the games above, but I rejected them for various reasons (the video was stretched, the video was poor quality, etc.). Who knows, maybe someday I'll make some of my own gameplay videos--just to combat all of the crap out there :)
Aside from Painter Momopie, this post would have made an excellent "winter gaming" post. Out of the four games in the photo, I've only ever played Snow Bros. Painter Momopie looks awesome, though.
Ah, I didn't even think of that, Justin! Hmmm, maybe I'll have to put your idea to use in the coming weeks/months. I wouldn't include more than one of the above, though.
Anyway, yes, give Painter Momopie (or Momopi, I have no idea) a try when you have a minute. I think you'll find it an enjoyable little romp--although, like I said, you'll likely tire of it eventually. Of course, can't that be said of most old, arcade-style games?
I know I've said this before but Nintendo should add more import titles to the eshop.
Also a good thing about the Game Boy is this whole Swap Note situation could of never happened on it.
Oh, I agree, Sam. Sadly, I don't think Nintendo agrees. They've always been so strange about releasing Japanese games on non-Japanese eShops. Personally, I think that as long as people are warned that they're buying a game that's mostly or fully in Japanese, they shouldn't worry about it. Buyer beware, and all that...
The sound about the same to me, but the context is totally different, they're much more "trailer-like" voice samples, so I think the result is a lot less awkward.
Yes, I agree. Honestly, I'm hoping you can turn them off. If not, I'll likely go with the Japanese audio option.
Hard to tell if the voices are better since they used very little in this trailer.
Though I will see how the english voices are. If they sound bored etc like they did in that previous trailer, then I'll switch to japanese and leave it on that.
But apart from that, I'm pumped!! :D Can't wait for this :)
Oh man, the nostalgia overload that is Amazing Penguin. I had that game as a kid. I bought it because it was, at the time, the cheapest video game I had ever seen--an incredible five dollars in Wal-Mart's bargain bin. And who doesn't like penguins? I never got terribly far in it, though. I wonder what little me would say if I visit her from the future and told her that one day, she'd own over a dozen games that cost 5 dollars or less, and all of them existed INSIDE her portable game console, instead of in separate cartridges!
I rediscovered my old copy not long ago, but I still couldn't get that far in. Some things never change, I suppose. ;D
Aw, that's a sweet story, Freezair! Hey, even today I'd say a $5 physical/retail game is a pretty awesome find. BTW, you've reminded me that I have to try getting a bit further in this game myself. Maybe I'll do that soon so I can finally post a review of it here.
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