As for when the announcement in question will be made, all signs point to it happening during an event that'll be hosted (and livestreamed, thankfully) on Tuesday, July 28.
It's not a sure thing that Dragon Quest XI will headline this event, by the way, so keep your expectations in check. That said, what other "big title" would prompt the powers that be at Square Enix to throw such a shindig in its honor at this point?
Anyway, assuming we actually hear something about the 11th entry in the eons-old Dragon Quest series in a couple of days, and assuming you actually give a rat's patootie about such a game, what are some of your hopes and fears for it?

Here, I'll get things started. In a twist that I'm sure will shock everyone who's visited this blog for even a few days, I'd really like it if Dragon Quest XI were released for the 3DS. I know that's extremely unlikely at this point, but I can't help but wish for it all the same.
If it isn't going to be playable on the 3DS, I'd really like it to be playable on the Vita. I'm not sure that's all that likely either--the PS3 and PS4 are where I'd put my money, if forced--but this post is supposed to be all about sharing our hopes (or fears), even bat-shit-crazy ones, so that's what I'm doing.
Now it's your turn. So, tell me: for which system--or systems--do you want Dragon Quest XI to be make? Also, feel free to pass along any other thoughts or opinions you may have about this subject, like whether or not you'd like it to continue to feature turn-based battles.
See also: 'I've got to admit, Dragon Quest Builders looks quite a bit more appealing than I imagined it would when it was first announced'
Is it sad that my only hope at this point is that it comes to Western markets?
Considering how SE has treated folks in Western markets lately--especially when it comes to the Dragon Quest series--no, it isn't sad at all, Justin :(
I would love to be proved wrong here though. I remember DQIX performing well when it launched but the DS remakes underperforming but I can't imagine they did that bad? We definitely need more slime filled adventures over here!
I believe the last of the remakes (VI) did esp. poorly, Justin, but that shouldn't keep us from getting an all-new entry, right? :(
I think we'd both agree that it'd be wonderful to see it release on a portable system (hopefully 3DS since I still have yet to acquire a Vita..), and I'd like to think the 3DS isn't out of consideration at this point! DQ9 came right at the end of the DS's life, didn't it (or close enough to the end of it?)?
I think the next best thing they could do would just be a grander version of 9, complete with online elements (multiplayer, etc.), but I'd be content if it was a perfectly contained, offline experience as well! I just want something as addicting as 9 again..
Sadly, Zach, I’m having a hard time seeing DQ XI being announced for the 3DS at this point. If SE hadn’t just revealed (at E3) that pretty much every game they’re working on at the moment will be released for the PS4, PS3 and/or Vita, my hopes would be higher for a 3DS release, but for now my money’s on DQ XI going to PS4, PS3 and/or Vita.
Yes, DQ VIII and DQ Monsters Joker 3 are coming to the 3DS (in Japan, at least), but aside from those titles (which likely have been in development for ages now), pretty much all of the company’s in-the-works games are being made for Sony systems. Which leads me to believe DQ XI will go to PS4, PS3 and/or Vita as well. It’s possible that won’t be the case in the end, and I will be thrilled if that’s how things play out, but I’m definitely not betting on it at this point.
As for your comments about desiring something that’s akin to DQ IX, I wholeheartedly agree with that. I know some diehard DQ fans were a bit turned off by the game, mainly due to how the customizable protagonist negatively impacted (in their opinions) its story, but I absolutely loved it and I would welcome with open arms a game that is similar to it but of course looks a bit better.
If I'm to be really selfish, I don't want to see it on anything Nintendo. Can't deal with region locking and my "new" Japanese 3DS died after a week :( bought a used one so I'm outa luck. Just can't deal with that, forgive the language, bullshit any more so here's me being selfish and hoping I can play it on Vita. Handheld gaming is where it's at :)
But honestly? I would buy an Xbox for it, it's about time I bought it and there is actually a few, fully, exclusives that interest me these days. Majority being on that Rare collection though.
One more thing, I still don't get Square Enix. They have no problems making their HD games for 5 systems at the same time but come handheld games they can only manage one. I get why they wouldn't bother with Vita in USA but even the 3DS in outside of Japan? Nah they should learn from Bandai, which have actually seen bigger market share in Europe for many titles. That marketing works, even for handheld games. So here's me being a fox and hoping that colab with Koei Tecmo got them thinking that maaaaybe they can make multiplatform games even for their handheld games. Oh and that DQ11 isn't console only :D
I want it released on Wii U thank you. If I had it my way I want it to look like heroes, be released on ps3/ps4/wii u. I want it to be like viii but grander. Then also add the element of catching and training Monsters again like 5. 150plus with be my wish. Then include monster breeding and the such. Add riding on Monsters and swimming in and under the ocean (cities and dungeons). Then add the same in the sky. It would the greatest dq game to me. That's all. :)
I like the way you think, Ryu! As such, here's hoping all of that comes true next week. Sure, I'd like it to be released for 3DS and/or Vita, too, but you can't have everything, right? :)
Well, I certainly agree with you in hoping that the game isn't console-only, Franggio. I don't, of course, agree with you in hoping that it avoids Nintendo systems--although I have a feeling it's going to do just that.
I'm sorry to hear about your New 3DS woes, by the way. Did you buy it through eBay or something? It's strange either way, though, as Nintendo systems generally are really great in terms of lasting a long time, having few issues with them, etc. Maybe the person who sold you your New 3DS knew it was bad and sold it anyway?
As for Nintendo's recent obsession with region locking its handhelds--I agree that it sucks, although honestly I think that's only part of the problem here. I mean, if SE actually localized their 3DS games, people wouldn't have to worry about region locking. Plus, even if the 3DS were region-free, most people outside of Japan would refrain from importing SE's games because of the language barrier. So, for most people, they'd need to be translated/localized for people to buy and play them.
Anyway, my fingers remain crossed that the game is released for 3DS or Vita. If not, I'll likely give it a pass--unless, I guess, something prompts me to pick up a PS3 or PS4 between now and whenever it's released. (The PS3 is more likely than the PS4, as at least there are a number of other games I'd like to play on the PS3.)
Yeah region locking truly just effect a small % of the users, that is true. Ergo the "selfish" part :)
The 3DS was bought through tradera, kinda like ebay but national here in Sweden.
Anyway I'm rooting for your hope Bryan while I'm also rooting for my own hope, that it's on a region free alternative ^^
That last sentence sounded lazy to check myself ^^
Well, I have a feeling 3DS is out of the question at this point, so my real/actual hope is that Vita will be one of the Sony systems to get DQ XI :)
Localization, and to that end I'll have to say PS3/PS4 even though I'd probably prefer it on a handheld (particularly 3DS, by far my most used system right now).
All of Square's major console games are being released in the West, including a few that are arguably as niche as Dragon Quest. Star Ocean 5, Nier, a Dragon Quest Musou game, etc. PS4 is our best bet at actually getting the game, and I'd be lying if I said a current gen, cel-shaded DQ doesn't sound amazing. But, again, I'm more of a handheld person these days.
I'd say Vita, but exclusivity is essentially a guarantee that we'll never get it. And to be honest, that system is such a non-entity in my life right now that despite it being nice hardware, I don't actively hope for anything to release on it anymore. Kind of silly, I know, but I like games releasing on systems that I use frequently.
Aside from that, I'd prefer turn-based and a return to more of a singleplayer focus. Dragon Quest is more or less my 'classic JRPG' fix. I'm okay with Final Fantasy trying new things, but to me a large part of DQ's charm is just how old school it is. Also, while Dragon Quest IX is my second favorite in the series, its multiplayer focus meant that you lost out on the quirky, memorable party members of past games. On top of that, I just didn't have anyone to do the multiplayer stuff with.
After all of these years, it will be odd seeing Dragon Quest on a non Nintendo system. That being said, if they put a mainline title on the PS4, it would probably help that system's sales in Japan, which is good news for anyone that loves Japanese made games. But I wonder if they'll follow the recent trend and have it PS3 AND PS4 (and maybe Vita)? I'd love PS4 and Vita with Cross Save personally. I love games that do that (because who doesn't love grinding dress spheres on the go?!) and DQ would be a great fit for that. And I'd also love to see an adventure like 8 again. I know it's not everyone's favorite, but it was easy to get into, had a beautiful art style, and lovely characters.
Well, I have to say I agree with most of what you say here, Rando. That said, if the game is going to be console-only (my main fear, at the moment), I really hope it's released for PS3, too. At least in that case I could buy a PS3 and still play the thing, as there are a number of PS3 games I'd pick up alongside DQ XI. If it's PS4-only, though, I'll probably pass on it, as I honestly can't think of any other PS4 games that interest me right now. (It's possible I'm forgetting some, though!)
TLDR...I wrote more than I thought I would but yes. Probably a playstation system wide release.
Actually, if we're to look at it and disregard our own feelings then I would say it's probably so but at the same time it feels like this might be the last chance SE has to squeeze out a large number of sales on the 3DS and it feels like they shouldn't overlook that. Perhaps DQIII remake is that chance though.
And yes, Horii said he wanted a big screen experience. The Wii U does not make sense anywhere in the world. It's sales was below Vita's total numbers last year when I compiled all the available sales data. Making a HD game for a sole system doesn't make sense but if they made it for 3 it would. PS3/4/Wii U. But there we have a problem, people can try and swallow the pill on how easy it is to make things for Nintendo systems, the problem come when they have to export or import to those systems so the thought of a Wii U seems dead yes.
But then again, is it Horii that makes all the decisions? As I gather both him and Toriyama together with SE own an equal large share in the IP itself so it's seems weird that only one person would speak for the rest. But then again, Toriyama seems pretty much caught up in Dragon Ball once again so I can't even guess.
And for squeezing out a last sale for dying systems the PS3 fit that bill as well.
But as for the PS4? I can imagine that they have gone the backwards route this time and might try and use Dragon Quest to get people to buy a system so their other games have more of a base to work with instead of putting all hard work on Final Fantasy. Which in itself sounds crazy as I type it out. And sure the west haven't gotten any releases in nearly a decade but we have gotten all the numbered entries. The only ones we're actually missing are the remakes and spinoffs. And so many think that DQXI will only be for Japan but look at Japan now. It doesn't go well for any console release there. We're celebrating numbers in the hundreds of thousands of sales when compared to earlier systems it would have been a weak number. So if it's on PS4 only reasonable thought would be that it would come west as well. Or rather it must come west as well. (useless European pride incoming, DQ has actually sold more here than in the states ^^).
And then we have DQH 1 and 2 and add Builders on top of that. Se really seems to go in hard to put the name Dragon Quest on the Playstation systems out there.
Nah Bryan no matter how hard I try to find reasons why it shouldn't be a PS4 release I can't 4
Well, the series basically has floated back and forth between Nintendo and Sony systems, so to me it won't be all that strange if it heads back toward Sony for XI.
As for PS4 being a "better" place for DQ XI than, say, Vita and 3DS, I'm not sure I agree with that. I mean, yes, such a release would help PS4 sales in JP, but it also would help sales of Vita and 3DS. Really, whichever system gets DQ XI is going to benefit sales-wise in Japan.
Anyway, if PS4 gets DQ XI, I have a feeling PS3 will, too. A PS4-only release in Japan at this time would be disastrous for this entry, IMO, as the userbase simply isn't there to support more than about one million in sales.
The question in my mind is whether it'll be PS4 and PS3 only, or if Vita will be thrown into the mix, too. I of course hope it will be, but that means absolutely nothing, I know :)
Maybe PS4/Vita is possible, like World of Final Fantasy. We're actually getting both versions of that, and if they do the same for DQXI then I'd honestly buy both.
Ha! Thanks for the TLDR, Franggio :)
I can't say I disagree with anything you say here.
That said, I think Wii U is absolutely out of the question here unless Nintendo is paying SE for their support (as Sony may well be doing already).
For me, 3DS makes the most sense, and surely would rake in the most sales for SE and also provide the company the most money (since a 3DS DQ has to be cheaper to make than an HD DQ for current consoles), but given SE's current focus on/obsession with the PS4, I can't see DQ XI going to 3DS at this point--unless something like the 3DS port of DQ X is done.
As such, I think PS4 is a sure bet, but not PS4-only. PS4 *and* PS3 makes much more sense--even if the PS3 version will cut into the PS4 version's sales.
SE may decide to make a Vita version, too, just to bolster sales even more, but we'll see.
Oh, and no matter what happens here, I have to imagine the game will be released outside of Japan eventually.
It'll be very interesting to see how it fares--as in, will it make going PS3/PS4 worth SE's while? I have a feeling it won't, as even when VIII and IX were given gobs of promotion, they only sold about a million copies in NA. I just can't see a PS4 version of DQ XI pulling in those same numbers (in NA) in 2016/207, but who knows?
Yes, it's definitely possible. Still, I think if SE is going to put it on PS4 and Vita, they'll put it on PS3, too--at least in Japan (probably not elsewhere).
I do not believe PS4 would manage to pull in those sales yet no :( Perhaps if Sony's wishful projection of a install base of 20 milion + I could see it happening with the right amount of marketing. But as for the DS sales of IX I would like to remind you that it came from a pretty successful launch on PS2 and many internets and fanboys where screaming about dumb things on how bad it was. Still think that hurt it :/ Especially when many outlets followed suite and thought it mistake not to release it on the 360.
But yes, it'll be interesting to see how it fares. Also my nieces reminded me that it's my birthday on the 28 and the stream is on the 28 soooo I'm excited ^^
Is Sony hoping the PS4 will sell 20+ million worldwide, or just in Japan? Because there's no way they're going to sell that many systems in Japan these days.
I'm sure the fanboy hatred for DQ IX hurt its sales in NA, but I think Nintendo's marketing efforts and the DS' overall popularity at the time helped counteract all of that. Sure, it could've sold more if fanboys and the gaming media had supported it more, but I still think it sold pretty well.
More of a factor here, IMO, is that traditional RPGs like DQ just aren't going to sell that much outside of Japan these days. There are only so many gamers--on the PS4, Wii U, 3DS, etc.--that are interested in playing this type of game. So, no matter what system DQ XI is made for, it's only going to sell so many copies outside of Japan--regardless of how pretty it is, etc.
Anyway, here's hoping this event falling your birthday brings all of us a bit of luck--whatever that means!
Nah was talking about system sales in USA for 2016/17. Worldwide it already managed that last year.
Yeah you're right Bryan, we're a dying breed. That worried me for a while but, I think, Horii said they would go traditional with DQXI so here's me hoping. DQH is a good spinoff, no need to make it into a mainline thing :)
And yes, good luck to us all (*≧∀≦)人(≧∀≦*)♪
The PS4 has already sold more than 20 million worldwide? If so, how weird. I mean, given its rather anemic Japanese sales so far.
Anyway, I'm glad Horii seems interested in keeping mainline DQ games fairly traditional--at least for the time being.
That said, I wouldn't mind a spin-off series that goes the MMO route a la DQ X--as long as the next entries in such a series are released outside of Japan XD
Re checked, 20.2m units sold to users, not stores but consumers as of End of February this year.
Not really that weird, there hasn't really been any exclusive software for PS4 in Japan so far. Everything has been PS4/3/V so far. Also a reason why they delayed the release of the PS4 in Japan. As usual their local developers took a step back and didn't join up. They either tried mobile, Vita or just kept on doing their thing on PS3. We saw the same thing with the release of the PS3, for many more reasons though. Seems a trend but now soon 18 months in in Japan it seems as many have some games for it. Especially the Vita..can't really understand that but still it's fun to see how software is actually moved around on that little device.
Yes, I guess it's not entirely surprising, but it's still a *little* surprising considering how well the PS4 is selling elsewhere in the world. Of course, elsewhere in the world, the PS3 and Vita are non-factors, so I guess there's more reason for consumers/gamers to focus on the PS4 there...
hey hey, as of last year Sony announced 9 milion Vita systems sold.
At the time of the announcement Japan had seen sales of 2.64m Vita systems. USA was impossible to get solid facts but I believe it hasn't broken a million but as seen in Europe we see Spain with 600k systems sold, France has more systems sold but can't find solid numbers, also Portugal, Italy, Germany have a decent number from what I gather not close to 3DS levels thou but if numbers are to believe Europe at the time had more sales than Japan. So either continental Europe really like the handheld or the rest of the world has upped it's numbers without anyone realising.
PS. if you haven't gathered I love collecting sales numbers for systems. It's a bit hard to sort out the facts sometimes though.
Yes, I can imagine! Companies don't really like to share these details with the public unless they're *really* good/positive :)
Aww thank you :)
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