Actually, I like the ones featured here a bit more than the ones highlighted in my last post--"Is it too early for me to post QR codes of Animal Crossing: New Leaf Christmas sweater designs?"--on the same subject. They're more fun and creative--or at least I think they are.
The first of the bunch (below) was inspired by Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, obviously.

Now that I think about it, three of the four designs shared here incorporate reindeer--including the next one, which was inspired by those ugly Christmas sweaters that are all the rage these days.

I stole the reindeer "sprites" from this old Animal Crossing: Wild World pattern, by the way.

And then there's the shirt above, which is supposed to depict that iconic moment when Santa and his sleigh (and reindeer) are seen soaring above the rooftops (the gray triangles at the bottom of this particular design) courtesy of the shining moon.
By the way, I seriously considered creating a shirt design that depicted "Santa coming" in a more straightforward and direct manner, but in the end I decided against it. (Drat, right?)

All of the above-mentioned designs were developed in Arbor, my "alt" New Leaf town, by the way. (Ardenne is its mayor.) Should you ever want to pay it a visit, feel free to do so using this Dream Code: 5300-3135-3333.
See also: 'Is it too early for me to post QR codes of Animal Crossing: New Leaf Christmas sweater designs?'
That reindeer sweater is perfect. Well done, sir.
Thanks, Justin! Are you going to be sporting it while sashaying around your town in the run up to the holidays?
I'm wracked with Animal Crossing guilt, since I haven't touched it
Eh, don't feel bad--it happens to everyone at some point. Plus, as long as you enacted the "Beautiful Town" ordinance before you stopped playing, things should be in good shape should you ever go back to it. Some villagers probably will have moved, but at least your town won't be full of weeds as in the "old days" :)
I really like the reindeer sweater.
Every day. I decided to buy Gracie's Gorgeous furniture set, so that's keeping me busy. The clock alone costs 350,000 bells. Heh.
You're always welcome to visit. I've been keeping the gates open again in the evenings while I'm at work.
OK, maybe I'll pay you a visit in the next few evenings.
Do you need any particular clothing items or furniture at the moment, or are you set?
I have my Mayor wearing the Santa K.K. sweater from the last QR post. I think I'll wear the reindeer one next week.
Just wondering but how is it going with getting Toy Day requests from your villagers? Also have you seen Nooks selling a Christmas tree yet?
That's great, Sam! :)
As for Toy Day requests: man, some of my villagers are being stubborn! I have both color and item from about half my villagers, one aspect from a few others and none from the rest. How about you?
Also, no, no Christmas tree in either of my towns yet :|
So far I have all the item requests but I'm missing one color request. What I've been doing is whenever I see a villager that I'm missing a request from I talk to them until they start going into "deep thought" or until I get both their requests. When I get request I write it down in the system notes and type them into a Microsoft word document when I'm done playing if I can access my computer. When the lazy bear Nate gives me his color request I'm going to write a letter to my self and set it arrive at the 23rd.
I'll tell you if I have a Christmas tree for you to let you catalog. Also do you need a amazing, serene, and/or proper painting? I have extras I want to get rid of.
I'm set for now.
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