One of the few newsworthy announcements made during the Sony press conference at the Tokyo Game Show yesterday involved the little beauty you see here:

For those of you who didn't stay up late trolling "teh Internets" for Tokyo Game Show news (like I did), the PS3 pictured above is a special edition that will be released in the Land of the Rising Sun on the same day (Dec. 17) as a little game known as Final Fantasy XIII. You may have heard of it?
Said system will sport a 250GB HDD and will set you back ¥41,600. (That's ¥11,620 more than the standard PS3 Slim.)
Personally, I'd rather have a plain white PS3 Slim, but since Sony's unlikely to release anything other than boring black PS3s in the States, my thoughts on the matter don't mean too much, do they? :)
Said system will sport a 250GB HDD and will set you back ¥41,600. (That's ¥11,620 more than the standard PS3 Slim.)
Personally, I'd rather have a plain white PS3 Slim, but since Sony's unlikely to release anything other than boring black PS3s in the States, my thoughts on the matter don't mean too much, do they? :)
I hate the colour pink. But I really want this design of Lightning.
Interesting - I'm the opposite. I don't mind the color pink all that much, but I hate 'busy' consoles with designs on them :)
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