Great. Now, keep your hands up if you would have bought the game if it had been released for Windows-based PCs, too.
Well, I have good news for you guys and gals: A PC version of Wizorb is, as of today, available for purchase via

Those of you who didn't keep your hands up dropped them because you're waiting for Linux and Mac versions to be released, right?
Ah, I have good news for you, too! The guys at Tribute Games expect to release Linux and Mac versions of Wizorb in the next two or three weeks.
Don't worry, class, I'll let you know when they're available. Also, expect to receive a special homework assignment from me soon (as in, hopefully by the end of the week)--one that involves reading my long-time-in-comin review of this wonderfully retro game.
See also: Previous Wizorb posts
Oh, great news! I was worried it might not come out for Macs, but I'll hold off my purchase until it does. Looking very forward to playing it, and reading your review! (any chance you'll have your review out before the Mac release? ;) )
Oh, yes, it'll be out before then -- as long as "then" isn't in the next few days :)
I can guarantee, by the way, that if the premise sounds interesting to you -- Arkanoid/Breakout with a smidge of RPG -- you'll love the game, Anne. I certainly do :)
The new that it's coming to Mac made me loosen my purse strings. And that's hard to say right now with new Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, and Kirby games coming out...
Yay! BTW, I understand tightening your purse strings at the moment, Justin. Thankfully, this game is just $3!
Also, you're planning to get the new Kirby game for Wii? I didn't know that! I'm hoping to get it for my b-day in a few weeks. And if I don't, I'll be buying for myself as a gift :)
I want to get MAss Attack more than the Wii game, that'll probably come last...maybe for Christmas.
Ah, so you were talking about Mass Attack. I understand. I want both of them, to tell you the truth.
BTW, all of this Kirby talk has me looking forward to what that team comes up with for the 3DS :)
Sweeet! I've never heard of this game (because I don't own a 360, probably!) but I'm more than a little intrigued now! Thanks for bringing it to my attention :)
You're very welcome, Simon! Like I told Anne a few comments ago: If you find the premise and the graphics of this one interesting, you will enjoy it. No ifs, ands or buts. My only complaint is that the game isn't portable. I'd love to play it on my DS or PSP (or future 3DS).
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