Full disclosure: It's always been my intention to own all three of the "current gen" consoles at some point in time. Thanks to my current obsession with the 3DS, and to Nintendo's idiotic decision to region-lock that particular portable, though, I've yet to a PS3 to my collection.

Although I recently commented (in this post) that I was considering forgoing the PS3 and its games altogether, I have a feeling the more likely scenario is that I'll wait until the PS4 (or whatever Sony winds up calling it) is released and then I'll pick up a PS3 "on the cheap," so to speak.
The question is: Which games will I purchase alongside it? A few of the obvious ones I've mentioned here before include Journey, Ni No Kuni, Tokyo Jungle and Valkyria Chronicles. Well, an additional possibility was added to that ever-expanding list yesterday, with that "possibility" being NIS' Kami-sama to Unmei Kakumei Paradox.

All you really need to know about this "spiritual successor to Zettai Hero Project" is that it's being made by the company's Disgaea team. Should you need to know more about it, though, hopefully the following comments, shared by NIS America's Jack Niida during a recent interview with RPGamer, will suffice:
"In this title, a young man wins a department store lottery game, only to discover that what he's won is a divine power to change people's destiny. In order to save people, he has to take on various roles and somehow find a way to change whatever fate may await them.
"The actual gameplay in Kami-Para is the sort of thing that NIS is best known for: Hardcore tactical combat. Any quirks or environmental factors in combat have yet to be revealed."
This looks crazy!!
Hey have you heard?
The Pikachu-3DS LL comes to NA and Europe this year!!
I have to preorder it as soon as possible. :D
Also there will be a Meloetta-download for Pokemon B/W 2.
And I thought I was the only blogger that was PS3less. Man, that game looks crazy. I'd pick that up based off the screen shots alone.
Oh, I *just* watched the European ND and heard that it was coming to Europe (the Pikachu 3DS LL, I mean), but I hadn't heard that it's coming to the US, too. Interesting! I wonder if that means my friend Anne will be buying one of those rather than the new Animal Crossing LLs...
Also, did you hear that The 'Denpa' Men will be released in Europe before the end of the year? That should make you (I think?) and a lot of other folks happy!
Sadly, Reggie, you're not. Really, I wish I'd gone with the PS3 rather than the 360. Oh, well, I've had a lot of fun with the 360, too, and it's not like getting a PS3 in the future is completely out of the question at this point. Anyway, yes, this game looks crazy -- and I mean that in a good way, of course!
NIS has been really good to the PS3, so I'm happy to hear of yet another game by them coming out for it! Most of all, they've been really good at getting things localized, so we'll probably see it in English at some point. Hopefully you can snag a PS3 for cheap like you're planning, and enjoy these games (hopefully also cheap at that point!)
OMG, Tokyo Jungle is so amazing, you're really missing out!
So I'm not sure whether you've explained this before, but why did you decide to go with the 360?
ZHP was one of my favorite PSP games, though I did get stuck on the balloon level since I couldn't figure out a good way to level up. But I'd love to see what they do with a spiritual successor. Did you play ZHP?
Yes, I agree, Kamiwoo! I have to admit that I wish NIS also made games for Nintendo systems (the 3DS, especially), but I'm so glad I've had such easy access to their PS2 and PSP offerings. Like you said, hopefully I'll snag a PS3 eventually and gain access to the company's PS3 offerings, too.
I wonder what this one will be called when and if it's released here, BTW?
Yes, warp, I know I'm missing out when it comes to Tokyo Jungle. Thanks for rubbing it in, though ;P
As for why I went with the 360: It was cheaper than the PS3 at the time (I bought it when Amazon was selling it along with a $50 giftcard), plus I really wanted a number of digital games that could only be bought via XBLA (the original Pac-Man Championship Edition being one of them). Oh, and I wanted to play Deadly Premonition! So, I guess I shouldn't be too upset.
Still, at the moment the PS3 definitely is home to more of the games that I'm interested in playing.
I haven't yet played ZHP, BTW. I do plan on getting it sometime soon, though. I'm not through with buying PSP games, that's for sure!
Now you know how I feel when I see any video game ever :p Although replace 'Ps3' with 'Money'.
I hear ya, Trxd. Sorry :( You won't be a broke college student forever, though -- or at least I hope you won't!
Well, this comes as a surprise! I know you like the ClaDun games but I never took you as a huge NISA fan, Bryan ;) I have to say this game sounds delightfully whacky, though! The screenshots look great, as well.
I'm surprised in all the news NIS/NISA has been doling out, we haven't heard anything about a Atelier Ayesha localization. I suppose it'll come sooner or later, but that's definitely a title I'm looking forward to.
A german Pokemon-fan-page wrote that the Pikachu-3DS LL comes to US too but I also read that it wont.
I'm not quite sure anymore.
The Denpa Man comes to Europe??? O____O
Thank you for telling me Bryan!! :D
This made my day!
BTW do you know the upcoming game "Remember Me"?
The Trailer looks great!
That looks super neat, and I was onboard until I read "hardcore tactical strategy". BRRRRT! Count me out.
Anne: Oh, yes, I'm definitely a NIS fan. Of course, I love wacky games and I especially love tactical/strategy RPGs, so I kind of *have* to love NIS, don't I?
Sadly, though, I've yet to play this game's spiritual successor, ZHP for the PSP. Also, I've only played the first Disgaea (shhhhhh, don't tell anyone!). Oh, and even though I own La Pucelle Tactics, I've yet to even unwrap it. Yes, I'm a terrible NIS fan...
You've reminded me, by the way, that I really need to look into these modern Atelier games once I finally get a PS3.
I'm also thinking about getting the Atelier game that was released for DS a while back, but since my wish list is about a mile long these days we'll have to see if I ever actually buy it :P
Melody: I have a feeling that the Pikachu 3DS XL *will* come to the US at some point and that it'll be announced soon. It certainly would make sense, as there are a TON of Pokemon fans in this country and NOA needs a way to make those folks feel excited about the 3DS (which isn't selling terribly well in this country at the moment). Sadly, Nintendo of America rarely does anything that makes sense these days, so maybe the Pikachu 3DS XL won't be released here after all :|
Oh, and you're welcome about spreading the news about The 'Denpa' Men! Hopefully you'll enjoy it once it's finally out in your region.
As for 'Remember Me': Yes, I've heard of it, although I have to admit I don't think I've seen its trailer yet. Guess I'll have to look it up later today!
No hardcore tactical strategy RPGs for you, Justin? I didn't know you weren't a fan of such games!
Is the DS Atelier game you're talking about Atelier Annie, Bryan? If so, I have it :) I've yet to play it, though!
Yes! Some folks on Twitter suggested it was a fun game, so I'm considering buying it later this year. I'm surprised you haven't played your copy yet! You must be like me -- with quite a backlog :|
Yeah...I tried to like tactical RPGs, and I've tried a lot of them, but...the "this unit can only attack this unit and is ineffective against this unit" setup just turn me right off. Not to mention I hate micromanaging a thousand different units. Give me six to eight good characters and NO PERMANENT DEATH, and I'm in.
That's why I'm liking Rainbow Moon. It's pretty entry-level when it comes to strategy RPGs...
BTW, apparently this site thinks I'm anonymous now...
Oh, and it also apparently eats my comments. Fucking internet is getting WAY on my nerve today...
I left a longish comment about how I tried Ogre Battle but I hate the "this unit only attacks this type of unit" gameplay and micromanaging a thousand units is no fun to me.
Rainbow Moon is fairly entry level when it comes to strategy RPGs, which explains why I like it.
Now with any luck, this comment will actually make it onto the site with my name on it instead of showing up Anonymous and then disappearing three seconds later...
Justin: Huh? Did you leave another comment that tagged you as anonymous? If so, strange...
Sorry the Internet is pissing you off today, BTW :(
Anyway, I understand not liking strategy/tactical RPGs -- esp. hardcore ones. I think I just like the micromanagement, for some weird reason.
I really have to check out Rainbow Moon at some point, BTW. Maybe after I possibly/maybe get a PS3?
BTW, I just saw the anonymous comment you mentioned earlier. It was in the spam filter, for some weird reason!
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