Regardless, given the backseat nature of Luigi's life, it's easy enough to imagine that he may not be the most cheerful and positive chap. Is it possible, though, that his brother's annoying omnipresence has pushed him to contemplate suicide? I, for one, hope not, but New Zealand-based artist SUIKA seems to think otherwise.

Granted, SUIKA also believes Mario to be teetering on the edge (see this similar piece from earlier this year), so maybe I should take his thoughts on the matter with the proverbial grain of salt.
By the way, the Luigi painting above is 400 mm by 550 mm in size and was made (with acrylics) using a 17-mm-by-17-mm and 5-mm-by-5-mm hand-drawn grid.
To see more of SUIKA's works, check out his blog and his deviantart gallery at your convenience.
Is it a play on the whole hanging business in Luigi's Mansion?
Ah! I don't know, Jyr. I kind of doubt it, though, as before SUIKA made this piece, he made the similar piece featuring Mario. I'll have to ask him about it, though...
That's an interesting piece of art...can't say I like the "sentiment" of it though...
On another note, but related to Luigi, I think its cool how Luigi is used as a "super guide" in NSMBU (when you die a few times a green block appears, hit it and you can watch Luigi play the level for you, and you're given the option to play again or complete it and move on to the next area).
And I can't wait for Luigi's Mansion!!
I like the darkness of it, Igor, but I can understand not appreciating it, too.
That's cool about NSMBU, BTW. Can't wait to see that in action for myself some day :(
Also, I can't wait for Luigi's Mansion 3DS either. C'mon, Nintendo!!
Luigi is the shit. I always play as him as often as I can in Mario games. A good piece of art as well; funny.
I like to play as Luigi, too, Tom--or anyone other than Mario, for that matter.
Also, I agree that the painting is funny, among other things. It's always nice when a piece of art is nice to look at as well as interesting or thought-provoking, isn't it?
I really like the contrast between the blue, pixelized image and the off-white, ornate wallpaper in the photo itself, actually :)
I do, too, Anne. Actually, SUIKA always does stuff like this -- meaning, his photos of his pieces often are nearly as interesting as the pieces themselves :)
It's beautiful...but too sad for me.
I understand, Justin. Not sure this will make you feel better, but I'm not at all sure SUIKA intended for it to be as dark as it appears. Speaking of which, maybe I should hound SUIKA for an explanation :)
Hello people. Heh, interesting comments. Whenever I put text in my paintings I just like it to be negative? For the sake of contrast? Attention seeking? I dunno' lol. The wider theme is maybe, 'escapism via videogames'. I mean, has anyone else had a bad day and tried to block it out with Super Metroid or something, thinking the dark solitary 16bit confines with compliment yr mood? Or you cheer yrself up with Kirby only for it to not work, and thoughts like this still creep in? Something like that. Also thanks again Bryan! Really makes my day when you do stuff like this.
Oh, I like your explanation even more than the one I thought up, Francis! And, yes, I've totally had that experience -- many times, in fact -- in my own life. Like you suggest, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Anyway, thanks for the comment, and thanks for creating these interesting pieces of art. I look forward to your next one :)
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